UN International Conference on Disaster Risk Management using space-based technology held in Beijing

On October 24, 2018, the International Conference on “The United Nations uses space-based technology for disaster risk management-strengthening effective emergency response for disaster recovery” co-sponsored by the emergency management department and the United Nations Foreign Space Division opened in Beijing. Vice Minister of Emergency Management Department and director of China Earthquake Administration attended the opening ceremony Guo-Guang Zheng and delivered a speech.

Guo-Guang Zheng pointed out that China is one of the countries with the most serious impact of natural disasters in the world, and the Chinese government has always put strengthening the construction of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief system in a prominent position. In recent years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important speeches on disaster prevention, mitigation and relief work many times, comprehensively explaining the new positioning, new ideas and new requirements of disaster prevention and mitigation and relief work. On October 10 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again gave important instructions on improving the ability to prevent and control natural disasters, emphasizing that strengthening the prevention and control of natural disasters is related to the national economy and people’s livelihood. We must adhere to the combination of prevention, prevention and rescue, and strengthen comprehensive disaster reduction, make overall plans to resist all kinds of natural disasters and promote the modernization of natural disaster prevention and control system and prevention and control capability. We are conscientiously implementing it, establishing the concept of risk management and comprehensive disaster reduction, and striving to improve the ability of the whole society to resist disasters.

Guo-Guang Zheng stressed that disaster risk is a common challenge faced by all countries. The Chinese government is willing to work with all countries to further promote the application and cooperation of space-based technology for disaster reduction and make contributions to the joint construction of a community of human destiny. Guo-Guang Zheng also put forward suggestions on improving the service capability and efficiency of satellite emergency monitoring, strengthening disaster risk monitoring, and using space-based technology to provide solutions for disaster reduction target monitoring in various countries.

This meeting is the eighth annual meeting held by UN-SPIDER Beijing office since 2011. The theme of the meeting is “strengthening effective emergency response for disaster preparedness”. Representatives, experts and scholars from relevant national government departments, international and regional organizations, scientific research institutions attended the meeting.

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