Technical Director of Chinese Football Association: youth training needs unified concept selection value technology potential

On 28th, at the “Panda Cup” International Youth Football Development Seminar held in Chengdu, Sichuan province, Chris van pvelde, technical director of Chinese Football Association, said when talking about youth training, chinese football needs a unified concept in this respect, and he pays more attention to the technical potential of small players in selecting materials.

Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, May 28 (reporter Li Hualiang) on 28th, at the “Panda Cup” International Youth Football Development Seminar held in Chengdu, Sichuan province, when talking about youth training, Chris van pvelde, technical director of Chinese Football Association, said that Chinese football needs a unified concept in this aspect, and he values the technical potential of small players in selecting materials.

Van pvelde is the former technical director of the Belgian Football Association. He helped “European RED MAGIC” to break into the top four in the World Cup in Russia. At the end of 2018, he began to serve as the technical director of the Chinese Football Association.

“The performance of the Chinese team in the Asian Cup before is our real level at present. Several major opponents of the Chinese team have done long-term and fruitful work in youth training. For the future development of Chinese football, the most important thing must be the foundation and teenagers.”

In Van pvelde’s view, the current situation of Chinese football youth training is that there are many different ways, which are not unified with each other and lack consistent ideas to implement. No change can be achieved overnight. There must be a process and a common vision. Good results can only be achieved after adhering to the correct process.

“It took Belgium more than ten years to achieve today’s achievements. I think some of these experiences can be used by China for reference, but it will definitely take a long time. Football involves many aspects such as culture and education, which is a long-term project.”

When talking about the selection of youth training, Van pvelde showed the reporter a picture of two Chinese small players of the same age standing back to back, one of whom was stronger and taller. He said: “Maybe some people tend to choose the bigger and stronger little player, but I will choose another one, because after carefully watching his performance on the court, I find that he is more talented, he is a technical player with great potential.”

“Just like Belgian player Mertens, his physical condition was not outstanding when he was young, but he obviously had great development potential, it is unfair to compare his physical condition with that of lucuku, and such technical and potential players cannot be eliminated.” Van pvelde explained further.

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