Prepare for the Chinese team card Shuai efficient training International Drinking water race against time

The national football training team showed up at the training ground last night. The Rhythm of the first two days was “two exercises a day”

Kashuai efficient training International Drinking water race against time

At 6 p.m. on March 18, the national men’s football team appeared at the training site of Guangxi Sports Center on time. This is the third training session opened to the media in this training session, but it is already the fifth training session of the whole team. The first two days, the team is the rhythm of “two exercises a day.

In just two days of training, the new national football team saw the “devil” side of the new coach Cannavaro.

High strength

Two exercises a day in a row

Team members asked for ice therapy one after another.

On the evening of March 17, because of the high-intensity training, the team members were extremely tired. After returning to the resident hotel from the Guangxi Sports Center training ground in Nanning, everyone asked for ice therapy rehabilitation. It is understood that in the past national football training, the players usually only proposed to receive ice therapy after the game. However, since the first training day of the training on the 16th, the team members have made such requests after the training.

For “two exercises a day”, the national players are no stranger. But the continuous “two exercises a day” was unexpected. Because even during the preparation period before the Asian Cup, the national leaders had not experienced such high-intensity training. Of course, the reason why coach Cannavaro made such an arrangement can be attributed to “the training time is tight, and the new team needs to run in”. Some people also interpret that this is the way Cannavaro leads the team.

However, the actual situation is not exactly the case. Since most of the international players ended the first two rounds of the first stage of the Super League a few days before the concentration, considering that there were about 10 days from the suspension of the league to the opening of the China Cup on the 21st, the coaching team of the national football training team needs to help the players maintain the “sense of competition”, so in Cannavaro’s view, it is very necessary to train in the early stage of the training.

It is understood that Cannavaro and Lippi are obviously different in the training methods of leading the team. For example, the training of the team on the morning of 16th and 17th is not a joint practice in the traditional sense. The coaching team divided the players into two groups to train separately according to the position on the field. One group consists of goalkeeper, defender and midfield players; The other group is all attacking players. The two groups of players started training at 10 am and 11 am respectively. It didn’t end until after 12 o’clock. At 6 o’clock in the evening, the second practice will take joint practice. In the view of the coaching staff, the combination of single practice and joint practice helps to improve the pertinence of training and does not damage the team integrity.

High efficiency

Every time you drink water, you have to race against the clock.

Fill in injuries and injuries in a timely manner

Team member Lü Wenjun said that Cannavaro attached great importance to time and efficiency. In order to ensure the quality of training, he even asked for a race against time when the team members drank water. In order to enable the team members to deeply understand their coaching philosophy, he also personally demonstrated it. It is also because the training is tight and fine that the team members are more laborious than before in terms of “digesting” the training content, and it is not surprising that fatigue is generated.

The team members all expressed their understanding of the coach’s good intentions. However, it is precisely because some players have been fighting continuously in the league and the Asian Championship, and their bodies are also very tired. They continue high-intensity training in the national team, and their fatigue is further intensified. Some players may also cause new injuries or relapse. Liu Yiming, the defender who originally had a recurrent groin injury, had an increased injury after two consecutive days of intensive training, and there was a possibility of leaving the team in advance. Perhaps seeing the tired signal reflected by the player’s body, Cannavaro only arranged the whole team for evening performance training on the 18th. Three days before the start of the China Cup, Cannavaro also needs to consciously protect the players’ bodies.

Because Liu Yiming could not continue to practice with the team due to the groin injury, the national football team urgently transferred Wang Gang, a member of Beijing Zhonghe Guoan. Since it was only 3 days before the start of the China Cup, Wang Gang immediately put on the national team clothes to participate in the training after flying to Nanning. Judging from the situation reflected in the team, Wang Gang is very likely to play or even start in the China Cup.

High Standard

Targeted training content

Correct bad playing habits

On the 18th, another central defender, Li Ang, who returned to the national team, was interviewed by the media. Like the two teammates He Chao and Lü Wenjun interviewed before, Li Ang felt honored to be recruited to the team by Cannavaro. Lü Wenjun said: “Cannavaro is very strict as a coach. His training content is very targeted. During our guidance, we always correct our bad (playing football) habits, and even correct the wrong footwork.”

As Wang Gang arrived in the team, the lineup of the national football training team in the China Cup was also neat. However, judging from the statements of several members interviewed, the national players cannot satisfy the new coach in some details of playing football. When implementing techniques and tactics, Cannavaro may still need to patiently correct the technical details of his disciples.

Wen/Our reporter Xiao Yi

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