2019 International Federation of airlines World pilots conference opens in Wuhan

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, May 18 (reporter Wang Ziyi) power glider flying in formation with geese, skydiving performers flying fireworks display in the air, trucks landing planes on the roof…… In the wonderful flight performance, the 2019 International Federation of airlines World fliers Conference opened on 18th at Wuhan Hannan General Airport.

The 4-day world fliers conference, Air flight performance, air sports events, interactive experience and other activities continue one after another, will bring a grand Blue Sky feast to the vast number of aviation enthusiasts.

On the morning of the 18th, after the brief opening ceremony, 50 colorful hot air balloons flew up. Then, the single-plane stunt performance, rotation rotorcraft formation performance, and aircraft hover performance were staged in turn. The pilot drove one plane or flew into the air, or rolled in the air, or swooped in the air, the shocking performance attracted applause from the audience.

The Air performance is brilliant, and the ground exhibition is novel and interesting. In the indoor and outdoor exhibition areas with a total area of 50000 square meters, more than 50 kinds of models, 100 aircrafts and aviation sports equipment are overwhelming. The interactive experience area is crowded, and aviation enthusiasts rush to experience simulated flight, wind tunnel and simulation cabin.

The Organizing Committee of the conference introduced that the conference re-performed and refined events, and the appreciation was continuously enhanced. There were 560 aircrafts and aircrafts (with tools), and nearly 700 professionals participated in performances and competitions. During the conference, 23 activities will be held in five major sectors, including aviation flight performance, aviation sports events, interactive experience, static exhibition and conference Forum.

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