CBA comprehensive news: Jilin cold beat Liaoning Guangdong away beat Guangsha

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 5 (reporter Duan Minfu, Ma Wei) on the 5th, the 43th round of the CBA league regular season started 7 matches. Liaoning lost to Jilin in the absence of the inner core Han De Jun, “Leader” Guangdong is a guest of Zhejiang. With the stable play of the last quarter, it is difficult to win Guangsha.

Jilin played the second-ranked Liaoning team at home. The two sides started by relying on foreign aid to open the situation. Jilin team’s foreign aid Jones played an excellent role. Li Tuo’s foreign investment helped Jilin score points in succession. In the first quarter of the war, Jilin achieved a leading advantage of 11 points. During the second festival, Jilin team continued to feel hot, Jones continued to kill the inside line, while Liaoning relied on Guo Allen and Hudson to score points. The half-time ended, and Liaoning was 23 points behind.

Yi fought again, Liaoning gradually recovered the offensive feel, Guo Allen continuously broke through and helped the visiting team to get close to the difference. Hudson’s three-point ball felt bad, and only 3 out of 16 shots, facing the strong impact of Jones, liaoning seems to have few methods. At the end of the quarter, Jilin played steadily and steadily. Jiang Weize hit the key bottom point and helped the home team win with 120:113 cold.

In this campaign, Jilin Foreign Aid Jones scored the highest 41 points in the game, and Jiang Weize scored 18 points in 6 out of 11 three-point shots. In Liaoning, only three people scored double points, Hudson and Guo Allen scored 37 points respectively, and Bath scored 14 points.

Another focus battle in this round was between Guangsha, Zhejiang and Guangdong Dongguan Bank. At the beginning, Zhou Peng felt hot, hit the bottom corner three points in a row, and assisted Xu Jie in three points to help the “leader” open the situation. Just after the “three-point rain”, bisliqiang killed the inside line to complete the “2+1”. In Zhejiang, lisisi and Hu Jinqiu opened fire one after another in inner and outer line to help Guangsha bite the score. In the first half of the festival, Guangdong launched a fast conversion attack and once got the lead. Zhao Yanhao responded by hitting three points in a row, helping Guangsha lead by five points in half.

In the second half, the scores of the two sides continued to rise alternately. At the end of the third quarter, Beasley scored 5 points in a row. Wimss finished “2+1” in the basket to help Guangdong surpass the score. At the end of the game, Beasley’s performance was still strong. He scored 4 points in a row to help Guangdong stabilize the situation. In the last 4 minutes of the game, both sides remained be inextricably involved. Zhao Yanhao hit the key three points to help Guangsha regain the leading edge, however, it was difficult to prevent Yi Jianlian and weimes from playing “2+1” in a row, and finally the “leader” Guangdong won a difficult victory at 114:108 away.

Yi Jianlian scored 22 points and 16 rebounds, Beasley scored 23 points, and weimes also scored 28 points. In Guangsha, Zhao Yanhao scored 29 points and fortesen scored 23 points.

Other games, Qingdao 129:125 beat Shandong, Shanghai 114:105 beat Guangzhou, Shanxi 125:134 defeated Xinjiang, Shenzhen Marco Polo 124:111 beat Zhejiang Chouzhou Bank, Beijing 108:106 beat Fujian.

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