Single News: Guoan home court takes Shenhua Beijing-Shanghai war is no longer here

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14 (reporter Ji Ye, Wang Yong) the 13th round of the Chinese Super League was launched on the 14th. The Beijing China national security team won the Shanghai Shenhua team at home 2:1, and the latter won the 9th round of the league, while Guoan consolidated the leading edge of the standings.

Guoan and Shenhua can be described as old rivals of the league. The old coach Jin Zhiyang summed up everything by saying “there is no need to mobilize to play Shenhua. But the performance of the two teams is quite different this season. The “Beijing-Shanghai dialogue” also had no smell of gunpowder. Guoan, who was sitting in the Workers’ Stadium, almost completely suppressed opponents in the cheer sound of more than 40000 fans on the scene, park Cheng and Augusto scored two goals in the first half, which made the game lose suspense early.

What is more embarrassing is that Guoan led Shenhua 27 points in only 13 rounds of the league. Palace Guards topped the list with 36 points, while Shenhua led the last Tianjin Tianhai team by 2 points in more than one match, which may be reduced to “deputy monitor” after this round “.

The warm-up match just held by the national team has certain consumption for Guoan. Zhang yoning has not entered the big list. Li Ke serves as a substitute. Yu Dabao, Zhang Xianzhe, Li Lei, Wang Gang, Prince Ming and other international players all started.

After the opening, Shenhua was completely suppressed by Guoan, and it was difficult to pass the half-time, but this kind of dead guard was not guarded. In the 14th minute, after many passes, Guoan was shot by Park Cheng at the frontier of the small forbidden zone. In the 41st minute, there was no interference in the periphery of Augusto restricted area, and a long shot broke the door, helping Guoan to get a 2:0 lead. In the first half, Shenhua’s best chance appeared in the 35th minute. Yu Dabao Middle Road made a mistake at Header. Shenhua got a chance to fight back. However, Qian Jie’s shot at the middle road in the forbidden zone was blocked by Yu Dabao flying back.

After Yi Bian, the scene was dull. The backward Shenhua tried to strengthen the attack, but did not create too much threat. On the contrary, Guoan was killed by Prince Ming in the 79th minute. His shot was relieved by Shenhua player Li Peng, who was struggling to chase him back, before door line, but the ball still hit the column. Before the final match, Shenhua finally scored a goal by Wu Yizhen, but it was too late.

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