China city sports league launch

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 22, in order to implement the national strategy of national fitness, improve and promote the consumption system and mechanism, and actively promote the leading role of the government, towns, enterprises, institutions, communities, etc. in national fitness, the press conference of China City Sports League (hereinafter referred to as “league”) and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China · The launching ceremony of China City Sports League was held in Beijing on the 21st.

This league is initiated and hosted by the Reform and Development Center of Chinese cities and small towns, and jointly initiated and hosted by Beijing Huayuan Sunshine Sports Industry Development Co., Ltd.

Wang Jinsong, deputy director of the reform and development center of Chinese cities and small towns, said in his speech that in recent years, the scale of sports industry has been continuously expanding, which is related to culture, tourism, medical treatment, Internet, the integration of finance and other fields is deepening day by day, and the development of sports industry has become an important starting point for urban development, brand building and influence dissemination. As a high-end think tank of new urbanization, the reform and development center of Chinese cities and small towns takes the lead in hosting the China City Sports League, promoting the national fitness campaign and boosting the high-quality development of the city.

Zhao Yue, vice president of China Health Industry Investment Fund, pointed out in his speech that the development of sports can actively serve the development of the city and stimulate the vitality of the city. The holding of China City sports league is not only the embodiment of the functions of the reform and development center of Chinese cities and small towns, but also the requirement of the development of national fitness, thus promoting the vigorous development of the health industry.

This league matches take the original basketball game of the reform and development center of Chinese cities and small towns as the core and template. According to the characteristics of sports development in cities around the country, ice and snow, baseball, chess, sailing, football, sports events such as fans and bicycles. The league spans five years and will last until December 2023. During this period, a “City Sports Development Forum” will be held in December every year, inviting celebrities from all walks of life to seek common ideas for the development of city sports and praising outstanding city events.

The League matches are divided into four dimensions, “China City sports league”, “China small town sports league”, “China Financial System sports league” and “China community sports league” are carried out simultaneously. In each participating city, the league will create a collection of city sports finance roadshow, City Sports Development Seminar, various sports events, cultural activities, city Enterprise Hiking Conference and other links in one of the sports carnival ceremony.

The organizer said that it will also promote the combination of sports events and precise poverty alleviation. In 2019, the league plan will select no less than 5 poverty-stricken counties as participating counties or holding counties. Through participating in and holding competitions, expand influence, further stimulate the consumption of local tourism and local characteristic products (especially agricultural products), boost the development of tourism industry and promote consumption poverty alleviation.

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