2019 International Sports Industry high-level forum held in Beijing

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 29 (reporter Lin Deren) 2019 International Sports Industry high-level forum was held in Tsinghua University on 29th, from government departments, research institutions, dozens of guests from industry enterprises discussed and shared topics such as the development prospect of China’s sports industry under the new situation, the exploration of the development path of China’s sports industry with Chinese characteristics, and the academic exchange and cooperation of domestic and foreign sports industries.

In his speech, Yang Bin, vice president of Tsinghua University, put forward expectations for the discussion and exchange of the sports industry to become bigger and stronger. Li Yingchuan, deputy director of the State General Administration of Sports, encouraged everyone to adhere to “The fundamental goal, the courage to break through the mission, find gaps between the internal and external standards, and work hard to implement” to achieve a leap-forward breakthrough in China’s sports industry. Bai Chongen, dean of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, said that the current development of China’s sports industry has “time, location, people and people”, and the future development achievements are unlimited.

In the keynote speech session of the forum, Liu Fumin, director of the economic department of the State Sports General Administration, Bao Mingxiao, president of the China Sports Policy Research Institute, Japanese sports industry expert Harada Zongyan, martin Carlson Wall, director of the sports and business center of Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden, and Wang Shirley, director of the Sports Industry Development Research Center of Tsinghua University, respectively analyzed the macro analysis of China’s sports industry, the scene era of sports, the development road of Japan’s sports tourism, how to establish a world-class alliance, China’s sports public welfare report and other topics shared their own research results and practical experience.

At the forum, the participants also attended the launching ceremony of the online course “ice soul and snow spirit-your guide to watching the Winter Olympics. This course aims to promote the popularization and dissemination of ice and snow sports knowledge, convey the Olympic spirit and promote the Olympic culture, and welcome the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

This forum is hosted by the Sports Industry Development Research Center of Tsinghua University and co-organized by Ingram Media Group.

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