Women’s Volleyball Super League: Beijing wins Shanghai again with a total score of 2:0 leading

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, February 16th the second round of the semi-final of the 2018-2019 season Chinese Women’s Volleyball Super League started on the 16th. Beijing Auto women’s volleyball team won the Shanghai Bright superior women’s volleyball team at 3:2, with a total score of 2:0 leading, one step away from the final.

In the first round, Beijing team won the opponent at 3:0. In this game, the state of the Shanghai team picked up and tenaciously brought the game into the fifth game under the condition of falling behind twice.

In the key final, the Shanghai team failed to keep the advantage in the 5:3 lead. The Beijing team scored 4 points in a row and won the game at 15:11.

In this game, 5 people in Beijing team scored double scores, of which Rourke scored 24 points. Shanghai team Yang Di scored the highest 20 points in the team.

The third round of the contest between the two sides will continue at the home court of Shanghai women’s volleyball team on the 19th.

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