City Football Group and other three parties jointly acquired Zhongyi Sichuan Jiuniu

Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, February 20 (reporter Li Hualiang, Xue Chen) on the 20th, you must choose Science and Technology, City Football Group and China jianteng sports industry fund held a press conference in Chengdu, Sichuan province, announced the joint acquisition of China-B Sichuan Jiuniu football club.

City Football Group holds a number of football clubs including Manchester City in the Premier League. “Sichuan is a place with a long history and beauty. This place deserves an excellent professional team. We will not only invest money, but also develop youth training in Sichuan Jiuniu, just like developing youth training in Manchester City. We hope to make Sichuan Jiuniu a unique team and step by step to the top league.” City Football Group CEO Feran Soriano said.

It is reported that you must choose Technology was founded in 2012, is a high-tech enterprise integrating artificial intelligence and service robot research and development, platform software development and application and product sales. Zhou Jian, CEO of Youbi technology, said that he believed that the new AI technology would further promote the development of the football industry and would make every effort to build a sustainable new football industry ecosystem, in order to make Sichuan Jiuniu a 100-year club dream.

Sichuan Jiuniu Football Club has entered the big list of China B in 2018 season, and finally ranked 24th. In the FA Cup in 2018, Sichuan Jiuniu performed well and became the first Chinese team to win the top eight in the history of the FA Cup.

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