Busy “charging” during the festival-remember the people’s policewoman in the military Games venue

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, March 8th: Busy “charging” during the festival — remember the people’s policewoman

Xinhua News Agency reporter Feng Guodong

on the 8th, at the newly completed equestrian field of Wuhan Business School, representatives of people’s policewoman, female auxiliary police and police sister-in-law from Wuhan Development Zone Branch of Wuhan public security bureau visited and visited with great interest. On the “March 8th” International Working Women’s Day, they did not forget to “recharge” themselves and contributed wisdom to improving the military security service level.

The equestrian field of Wuhan Business School is the competition venue of equestrian events of Wuhan military games. At the same time, swimming, fencing and other events of the military games will also be held here. People’s policewoman. The female auxiliary police and the representative of the excellent police sister-in-law visited and listened to the introduction of the lecturer to learn more about the construction and layout of security facilities in the venue.

“Will such an intelligent alarm system be popularized to residential areas?” Some people’s policewoman put forward their own thoughts and communicate with each other in combination with their posts. Groups of data and pieces of real objects make everyone sigh about the progress of science and technology.

After the visit, Yu Yanping, associate professor of Wuhan Business School, also brought a military etiquette training course for everyone. Yu Yiping gave a detailed demonstration and vivid explanation from the aspects of image promotion, standard language and international etiquette.

Luo Dan, a community policeman from the international police office in Jinse Gangwan, who won the title of “The Most Beautiful Policewoman” of Wuhan public security organs, said that the military games had entered the countdown. As a policewoman, there should be “a towel won’t let SMATE, and time is not waiting, the urgent consciousness of” seize the day and night. “While doing our job well, we will continuously enhance our comprehensive quality and ability and strive to better serve the military games.”

Organizing people’s policewoman and others to enter the military transport venues is an important part of Wuhan’s recent “military training, training and competition” around the military transport security. In order to improve the security level of the Military Transport Association, Wuhan police recently organized different police types such as public security, transportation and fire fighting, and went deep into various military transport venues to guide the construction of two major systems of “smart security” and “smart traffic” in the stadium, and solve problems for these key construction projects on the spot.

The 7th World Military Games will be held in Wuhan, Hubei from October 18-27.

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