Xu can: I hope to leave the golden belt in China and fight rohaas again without fear.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 30 (Reporter Wei Hua, Lu Yuchen) shortly after winning the golden belt of WBA world champion, Xu can expressed in Beijing on the 30th that he hoped to leave the golden belt in China.

On the 26th local time, Xu Can defeated the World Boxing Association (WBA) badminton champion and Puerto Rico player rohaas in Houston, USA, and won the champion’s golden belt. Xu Can’s victory broke the monopoly of European and American boxers at this level in recent years and became the first Asian face to win the world champion in five years.

According to the regulations, Xu Can needs to conduct a free defending war within half a year, but the time, place and opponent of the game are not determined. Looking forward to this defending war, Xu can said that he would prefer to play this game at home. He said at the media meeting held on the 30th: “Getting a golden belt has fulfilled one of my dreams. I brought the gold belt back to China from the United States. Of course, I also want to leave the gold belt here in front of the Chinese people.”

Recalling the 12-round war that ended a few days ago, Xu Can said frankly that before leaving, he felt that he had about 80% of his grasp to win the opponent, and his physical advantage was the key to winning the competition. “Physical fitness is my biggest advantage. The rhythm of this game is basically in my hands, and rohaas has been thoroughly studied before the game. It is not very tired to hit the back, and the physical strength is very strong.”

When some media asked if they would fight rohaas in the second-time war, Xu Can’s response was quite domineering: “First, whether to fight the second-time war or not depends on the company’s arrangement, but if the other party strongly demands, I am willing. Since I can win the first time, I can win the second time.”

Although it has been a few days since the end of the game, the bruise in Xu Can’s left eye is still clearly visible, but he himself said it was not a big problem. The eye part is skin trauma, normal swelling, maybe it looks serious. The strength of the 12 rounds is relatively large. I got several punches on the shoulder, and then I will resume training. If the match is confirmed, I will increase the strength according to my opponent.”

Plain and low-key are the first impression Xu can gave to reporters in the interview. It is understood that after getting the golden belt, Xu can became a topic figure in Zixi county, Jiangxi province. Facing the overwhelming praise, he said modestly, “To be honest, I don’t feel that I have carried the banner of Chinese boxing. I just think I am doing the right thing. I love this sport and will try my best to go further.”

For the suggestions of the later generations, Xu Can said, “Boxing is a boring sport, and it is also very tired during training, but if you want to take this road, you must learn to stick to it, face everything bravely.”

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