Member Yang Yang: pay attention to the construction of sports events in middle schools and universities

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 4 (reporter Ji Ye) on the 4th, the second session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held a group discussion. Yang Yang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the first gold medalist of China’s Winter Olympics, said that in recent years, physical education for teenagers and children has made great progress, but at present, school physical education generally exists in primary schools and secondary schools, it is suggested to pay attention to the construction of sports events in middle schools and universities and improve the development of school sports.

“In recent years, the educational value of sports has gradually been recognized by the society and many parents. Through social training institutions or school sports associations, the number of children participating in various sports has also increased significantly, all kinds of sports campus leagues are constantly emerging and expanding rapidly.” Yang Yang said.

After Yang Yang retired, he chose to open a flying ice sports center in Shanghai in the South. Under the background of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Yang Yang said that Shanghai has many successful experiences in the ice and snow sports entering the campus, which is worthy of nationwide promotion.

But she also pointed out that nowadays, the schools and students participating in most of the primary and secondary school campus leagues of sports in our country are mainly primary schools. When they go to junior high schools and senior high schools, regardless of the number of events, participating teams, the number of participants showed a cliff-like decline. This leads to a large number of children who have cultivated sports interests and specialties in primary school have to give up their hobbies and interrupt training and competitions after entering junior high school, as a result, there is a serious “fault” in China’s youth sports training system “. It will not only make the early investment fall short, but also cause potential negative effects on the popularization of sports, the echelon construction of reserve talents in competitive sports, the construction of campus sports culture and the quality education of students.

Yang Yang suggested that secondary schools and universities should connect with primary schools, establish and improve the system and system of various sports associations, school teams and various sports league matches; Plan and integrate from primary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, the one-stop competition system of the four-level league matches in colleges and universities creates a complete youth sports training system; The construction of sports associations, school teams and league matches system is incorporated into the relevant assessment indicators of the Education Department, and funds are invested to guarantee it.

“The Education Department needs to cooperate with the sports department to jointly organize more campus sports events, promote resource sharing and the combination of sports and education, and open up a rising channel for talented excellent student athletes, make more choices in the future.” Yang Yang said.

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