Gold marathon portrait: 68 events depict a dynamic China

Xinhuanet sports Lanzhou, May 31 (Wang Meng) running is China’s posture to forge ahead. As the “elite” in the certification competition of China Association of Athletics, 68 marathon gold medals selected in 2018 have become the benchmark to measure the development of China’s road race. Dynamic, innovative and healthy are the genes engraved in these events, which are enough to see the dynamic China.

The number of gold medal events increased from 7 to 68

according to the data, the number of gold medal events increased from 7 to 68 from 2013 to 2019. The blooming marathon has released a stronger and stronger impact.

Shui Tao, director of social activities department of Track and Field Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sports and deputy secretary general of China Track and Field Association, said in the previous media interview that in order to encourage and encourage various events, in terms of the national competition system and referring to the practice of IAAF, China Association of Tian has carried out the competition level selection of bronze medal events, silver medal events and gold medal events.

It can be said that at the beginning of the establishment of the gold medal event, it was to play the leading role of the organization Standard of the high-quality event. From 7 to 68, it undoubtedly reflects the development vitality of Chinese sports represented by marathon.

This dynamic feeling is also reflected in the spatial layout of the gold medal event. 68 gold medal events form vertical drip from top to bottom in the city sequence. From the very beginning, only a few first-tier cities had marathon races, and now they have blossomed in an all-round way, witnessing the sinking process of marathon gold medals from a second-tier city to a third-tier and fourth-tier city.

According to the latest 2019 City business charm ranking list released by the media, among the 68 gold medals, there are 8 first-tier cities, 13 new first-tier city cities, 14 second-tier cities, 11 third-tier cities, there are 8 games in the fourth-tier cities and 6 games in the fifth-tier cities.

The holding of marathon events is greatly influenced by government support, industry support and other factors, which gives the four or five-tier cities the opportunity to use the development of Marathon Sports to create the influence of city sports and then overtake the curve.

Show cultural confidence, with distinct characteristics of the host, the bonus items

68 gold medals show the cultural characteristics of different competitions, and are the concentrated display and innovation of the city’s vitality. Through a marathon, the city features are unreservedly displayed to the “guests”, reflecting the cultural confidence of the city where the event is held.

The gold medal competition must first meet the evaluation standard, but it is also a big bonus item with distinct city characteristics of the host. “Liupanshui is one of the few cities in China that can hold marathon races in the hot summer.” Li Gang, mayor of Liupanshui city, expressed his pride in the characteristics of his own event at a tourism promotion meeting last year. China liangdu Liupanshui Summer International Marathon has been held for six consecutive times. Every year, there are more than 30000 runners all over the world, becoming a veritable city name card.

For cities with relatively low economic level, marathon plays a more obvious role in providing new vitality for urban development. For example, the 2018 Yellow River Estuary (Dongying) International Marathon in the fourth-and fifth-tier cities, the 2018 Guizhou huanyishan over 100 kilometers International Marathon, and the rhyme China • 2018 Guang’an red marathon, etc, because of the unique positioning that fits the characteristics of the city, the city develops in a different way and occupies a place in sports events such as marathon.

The selection of signage events itself is also innovative. The competition selection is dynamic, and its evaluation and commendation have played a very good role in regulating and guiding the standardization and standardization of promoting the development of Chinese marathon and even developing to a higher international level.

The Southeast and Northwest are fully covered, and the first to fifth tier cities are fully connected

for many people, the reason for running is very simple, just for health. As a spire event of Marathon, gold medal events are often “hard to find one vote” and even decide the qualification by drawing lots. The increasingly popular phenomenon of gold medal events has become a profile of Chinese people’s pursuit of a healthy lifestyle.

During the rise of domestic marathon events, most of them have encountered changes from “looking for someone to run” to “rushing to run. In the Wuhan Marathon held on April 15, 155000 people grabbed 24000 places, becoming the most popular marathon in China. In addition to the days when thousands of people gather to run, marathon events also drive the running enthusiasm of city residents.

Health is also reflected in the construction of the city. The holding of marathon has played an active role in beautifying the city appearance and environment, optimizing the ecology and living environment. 70% of the gold medal competition host city is the National Health City selected by the National Aiwei office.

From a macro perspective, the distribution of gold medal events shows that the eastern region is obviously more than the central and western regions, and the southern cities are more than the northern cities, which is in line with the reality of China’s regional economic development. At the same time, the gold medal competition covers the southeast and northwest, and the first to fifth tier cities are fully connected, which also shows that the Chinese marathon is seeking rapid and healthy development in dynamic balance.

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