Chinese men’s rifle full of Olympic tickets

Zhao Zhonghao Sanzi picking copper

Chinese men’s rifle full of Olympic tickets

Report from our correspondent (Reporter Chen Jiaying) Beijing station of the 2019 shooting World Cup ended the second competition day at the National Shooting Center yesterday. In the men’s 50 m rifle three-position project, Chinese player Zhao Zhonghao won a bronze medal and won the quota for the Tokyo Olympic Games. So far, China’s shooting men’s rifle project has obtained full Olympic qualification.

As the only Chinese player to reach the final in this competition, Zhao Zhonghao ranked first among the eight players after the first five shots in the final. Although his performance has fluctuated since then, he still ranks second after 15 guns in kneeling position and 15 guns in lying position. In the pretty competition, Zhao Zhonghao once shot a 7.6 Ring, ranking once dropped to fourth, but still successfully entered the elimination competition.

In the elimination stage, Zhao Zhonghao shot 10.7 rings in a row in the first two shots, but the last shot was inaccurate and finally won the bronze medal. “Kneeling and horizontal shooting are my strengths. Vertical shooting is indeed a little lacking. When there is a problem in the competition, I still can’t control it.” Zhao Zhonghao said that in the future, he will focus on solving the problem of vertical shooting in training and strive to improve before the Tokyo Olympics.

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