For the common emotion of mankind-written at the opening of the 15th Summer Special Olympics

Xinhua News Agency, Abu Dhabi, March 14th issue: for the common emotion of mankind-written at the opening of the 15th Summer Special Olympics

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Zhi

with the flame burning in Abu Dhabi Zayed Sports City Stadium, the World Summer Special Olympics came to the Middle East for the first time. 7500 Special Olympics mobilization will spend a precious time in life with the assistance of 3,000 coaches and 20,000 volunteers.

After the first Special Olympics was held in the past 50 years, the 2019 Abu Dhabi Special Olympics has historically attracted 200 countries and regions to participate. Of course, the outside world still has such doubts. Are so many special Olympics players struggling to participate in the competition too much “? Is the hosting of Special Olympics just the wishful thinking or self-moving of healthy people?

Why do you want to hold special Olympics? In the 1960 s, Eunice Schriver, the initiator of the special Olympic movement, did not necessarily know the answer. However, after dozens of mentally handicapped people held a summer camp with sports as its content in the garden at home, what she saw from their eyes was inexplicable joy. As she said, “in the desolate and painful swamp, light shines and light enters.”

Although the intelligence or activity ability of Special Olympics players is limited, they have the same emotion as the whole person. They are eager for attention and applause. The world of special children should not be limited to the four walls of the home. They come to the sun to show their best side. They also deserve a happy and full life. At the just-concluded opening ceremony, facing the endless cheers and cheers of the whole audience, the surprised expression and gambol attitude of Special Olympics athletes will make people more understand the significance of the existence of Special Olympics.

In the Special Olympics, the flags of the delegation are rare. All the contestants have rewards. Rong he’s partners can compete with the Special Olympics players, and male and female athletes can also play in the same team. Smearing the boundaries of region, physical fitness, intelligence and gender, everyone is just a member of the human family, feeling the same joys and sorrows.

“The cruelest weapon in the world is attitude, and it is narrow and prejudice that led to the division of the human family from the very beginning.” Tim Shriver, president of the International Special Olympics Committee, has now taken over the torch from his mother EUNIS. He said that ending this attitude was “neither expensive nor complicated”.

When the traditional concept makes the characteristics of religion and gender become estrangement, the development of science and technology makes people put on a vest to do evil on the Internet, and human beings need spiritual salvation like Special Olympics more. Under the body of adults, the Special Olympics players still have a child-like inner nature. Their care and care make people regain their warmth and kindness to the world.

Of course, Special Olympics is a life class. Teo players often have more passionate emotions and firmer beliefs. They cry when they want to cry, laugh when they want to laugh. In order to complete an action, they can not care about the calluses and wounds worn out, but hope that they will shine more on the court next time. In the face of such words and deeds, how can a sound person easily fail and retreat step by step when he encounters difficulties in life?

On the stage of Special Olympics, it is not important to be a special Olympics player or a sound person. Open your heart and treat each other equally. Here, people can feel the happiness and emotion shared by human beings and find a better self.

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