Yao Ming: Sports is a small life charity and needs to be upgraded.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 29 (reporter Wang Haoyu) since its establishment in 2008, Yao Foundation has grown into one of the most influential sports charity brands in China. In the view of founder Yao Ming, it has become more and more real from a vague shadow, and has found its true meaning through the precipitation of time.

“Sports People” is the core concept of Yao fund. As the core project of Yao Foundation to improve rural physical education, Yao Foundation hopes that the primary school basketball season has been held for seven consecutive times since 2012, with 920000 rural children participating and benefiting from it.

While leading more and more rural children to fall in love with basketball, Yao Ming also has a deeper understanding of “Sports People. “This ‘body’ can be interpreted as experience and sports, and many of them are also experience growth. Growth needs to be experienced. Growth has joy and frustration. I believe we will find it. As a sports person, sports is only a form, which is ultimately an experience. Watering these sapling through experience becomes a towering tree.”

“Sports is actually a small life. Many elements such as teamwork and will quality that will be encountered in the future of life will be shown in a way in sports events, just like what people say most of the time, I believe that physical education plays a very important role in education impact on human beings.” Yao Ming said.

In 2019, Yao Foundation’s public welfare action will not only continue to provide better physical education for rural children through Hope Primary School basketball season, but also rely on the “East Wind” of the Basketball World Cup in 2019 “, join hands with the organizing committee of the men’s basketball World Cup to build the” Yao Foundation 2019 International Basketball Federation Basketball World Cup “round dreamway” public welfare project plan.

“This is an incentive for us, an affirmation for us, and more partners.” Yao Ming said, “during this World Cup, it is very rare that we can have such an opportunity and a channel to take children to see the world and see basketball, a culture generated by us.”

The cooperation with the men’s basketball World Cup is undoubtedly a higher platform for the development of Yao Foundation. Yao Foundation has been moving forward and Yao Ming has been thinking.

Yao Ming said, “Of course, Yao fund can still donate to schools and so on, but we hope to provide a kind of service. Charity is a kind of service, including donation. This is what we think. (Doing charity) there is no end to thinking about upgrading and upgrading. Maybe we have solved the problems in the first stage, but we find that this society has evolved again. We must keep up with this era and keep learning. This is endless.”

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