Under the initiative of “One Belt and One Road”, “sports flowers” are everywhere

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 27: under the initiative of “One Belt and One Road”, the “flower of sports” is everywhere

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The second “One Belt and One Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum was held ceremoniously in Beijing at the same time, at the World Table Tennis Championships held in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, Chinese table tennis players and players from countries and regions along the “Belt and Road” have forged deep friendship inside and outside the stadium.

43-year-old Serbian veteran ya Calaca Shevich suffered from the Grand Slam winner Malone in the first round and soon lost four games in a row. He did not complain about the bad luck of signing, he praised Malone as “the best athlete in the world” and was very happy to play tricks with him.

Malone also admired this veteran and praised his “sportsman spirit. At the same time, for this veteran from countries along the “Belt and Road”, Malone also has a sense of “intimacy”, feeling that “silk road brings each other closer”.

Calaca Shevich is also the chairman of the Serbian Table Tennis Association. He hopes to bring the level of Serbian table tennis to the previous level and cultivate more excellent young athletes. “I hope China can help us and bring excellent coaches to Serbia, which is what we need.” In Calaca, as a country along the Belt and Road Initiative, Serbia’s cooperation with China is not only economic and cultural, but also sports exchanges and cooperation.

In fact, as calaca Shevich expected, under the Belt and Road Initiative, china’s “national ball” table tennis has become a bridge and link between China and people in countries and regions along the “Belt and Road”, and has injected new vitality into the construction of “The Belt and Road.

Papua New Guinea is the first country in the Pacific island region to sign a memorandum of understanding with China on the construction of “The Belt and Road Initiative. At the end of last year, Olympic champion Zhang Yining and meritorious coach Shi Zhihao came to BA Xin Training Center of China table tennis college of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education to guide local table tennis students.

“The students here like table tennis very much. Many of them like China through table tennis.” Zhang Yining said that table tennis is not only a sport, but also a bridge and link for communication. As a table tennis player, I am willing to share the glory of “national ball” with the world.

Besides table tennis, other projects also play their own unique roles. Football, which is devoted to the most enthusiastic Chinese, also has a distinctive mark of “One Belt and One Road. As early as the end of 2017, the European Youth Training Center of Chinese football (Czech) was unveiled, which was the first youth training center of Chinese Football Association in Europe. Du Zhaocai, Party secretary of the Chinese Football Association, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that the Chinese Football Association plans to open three to four youth training centers in Europe, the important reason for choosing the first youth training center in Czech is that the leaders of the two countries attach great importance to the football exchange between China and Czech, which is also one of the important cooperation projects of “The Belt and Road Initiative” initiative.

In April this year, Xie Jun, the former “chess queen” of the world, took the post of chairman of China independent area of the Asian Chess Federation. She believed that chess, as an intellectual gymnastics, had a very powerful comprehensive function. No matter in humanities communication, education, cultural communication, or now with the development of artificial intelligence in science and technology, it can play an important role. Especially in the construction of “The Belt and Road Initiative” and the project of connecting people’s hearts, chess can play the role of serving the public communication. “I believe that as a Chinese independent area, under the leadership of the International Chess Federation and the Asian Chess Federation, we should better play its role on the international stage and spread more Chinese wisdom and experience.”

“The Belt and Road Initiative” sets up a broad stage for sports, and sports communication has also become an important carrier to show the theme of “The Belt and Road Initiative” initiative. Nowadays, there are more and more sports activities and exchanges with the theme of “The Belt and Road Initiative” at home and abroad. The starting point of the ancient Silk Road in Xi’an is the “Belt and Road” International Marathon of Xi’an City Wall in Shaanxi. Runners from countries and regions along the “Belt and Road” travel through time and space and run from history to the future. Yunnan, facing Southeast Asia, has the “Colorful Yunnan Belt and Road” International Football Invitational Tournament. In Xinjiang, the main town of Silk Road, there is the “Belt and Road” International Table Tennis Invitational tournament…… The National Tourism Administration and the State General Administration of Sports also jointly issued the “One Belt and One Road” sports tourism development action plan, forming a batch of boutique sports tourism events, characteristic sports and leisure projects in the relevant areas of the “One Belt and One Road, competitive sports tourism enterprises and well-known sports tourism destinations.

Zhong Bingshu, president of Capital Institute of Physical Education, said that the interaction between Chinese sports and world sports built a bridge of communication in its own unique way and made unique contributions.

Zhou Qingjie, director of the sports foreign exchange research center of the Diplomatic Academy, who founded activities such as “martial arts carnival of the embassy in China” and “The Belt and Road Initiative” National Ambassador Sports Forum in China, thinks, an important purpose of sports diplomacy is to cooperate with the country’s overall diplomacy and create a good, stable, safe and favorable environment for China’s reform and opening up.

“The intersection of the country lies in the blind date of the people, and the blind date of the people lies in the connection of the heart ‘. To do sports diplomacy well is to make more and more friends in China. We should not only gather consensus and work together, but also unify our goals and give full play to the unique role of sports diplomacy in connecting people’s hearts.” Zhou Qingjie said. (Reporters Zhang Zewei, Cao Jianjie, Wang Haoyu, Su Bin) (end)

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