People’s Daily Overseas Edition: The National Football Team “fully impact the World Cup”, what?

What is the national football team’s “full impact on the World Cup? (Sports pen)

In recent days, there have been several remarkable news in succession, all about Chinese football. One is that the Italian coach Lippi once again became the head coach of the Chinese men’s national football team four months after he bid farewell to the handsome position of the national football team. The other is that the Chinese Football Association started the preparatory work for the transition. Chen Yuyuan served as the leader of the preparatory group, and deepening the football reform ushered in a new opportunity.

The national football team failed to play a match that made the fans satisfied in the China Cup in March. Under this background, the national football team’s handsome position was determined and the Football Association’s transition was launched, it is very beneficial to the preparations for the top 40 Asian Games in FIFA World Cup qualification, 2022, which will start in September, and sends a clear signal that is expected.

This signal was reflected in the press release when the Football Association announced Lippi as the head coach of the national football team. The article said that I believe that under the leadership of Lippi team, the national football team can “launch a full impact” on the dream of participating in the World Cup “. In fact, the word “full effort” is not only the hope of the Football Association, but also full of expectations from the outside world to deepen the reform and promote the strong rise of Chinese football.

Chinese football needs to do a lot of work to shorten the distance from the World Cup.

For the Lippi team, we need to make every effort to make breakthroughs in the new World Cup cycle. During Lippi’s first time as the head coach of the national football team, the national football team achieved good results, but it also left regrets and bitterness, exposing various deficiencies. This reflects that the combat effectiveness and technical and tactical standards of going abroad have not been significantly improved. Objectively speaking, facing the upcoming Qatar World Cup, it is still very difficult for the national football team to qualify. This requires the national football team to conduct deeper and more detailed kneading and adjustment from technical tactics to personnel under the leadership of Lippi. Of course, this also requires more patience and support from the outside world.

For the Football Association, it is necessary to continue to fully implement the “overall plan for the reform and development of Chinese football” and continue to deepen the reform. Chinese football has experienced many setbacks. These detours have repeatedly proved that there is only one thing to do a good job in football-less tossing. The overall plan has already defined the goals of each stage of Chinese football reform. The next work is to implement this plan and move forward step by step towards the goal. This transition of the Football Association, drawing on the experience of the previous transition of the Basketball Association and the Table Tennis Association, has further explored the practice of “professionals doing professional things” and is worth looking forward.

However, there are still many questions to be asked. For example, under the background of the national football team’s full impact on Qatar World Cup, how can the longer-term youth training plan maintain the same intensity, investment and determination? How to further explore the construction of football management mode with Chinese characteristics with innovative ideas and means and straighten out the management system? There are also the popularization of football, the training of local coaches and the norms of professional league matches. How can these things related to the long-term development of Chinese football be “fully committed”?

Many problems accumulated in Chinese football have already reached the time when they need to be solved with all efforts. How to do your best? We still need to deepen the reform! This is the power source for us to consolidate our strength and gather together.

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