Neymar denied raping his father and denouncing blackmail

Brazilian football star Neymar defended himself on his social media account in the early morning of the 2nd, and showed some mobile phone chat messages with the women involved.

Xinhua News Agency, Rio de Janeiro, June 2 (reporter Zhao Yan, Chen Weihua) Brazilian football star Neymar defended himself against the rape on his social media account in the early morning of the 2nd, and show some mobile phone chat information with the women involved.

Brazilian media revealed on the 1st that a woman reported to Sao Paulo police that Neymar raped her in Paris on May 15 this year.

Neymar posted a video on his social media account, in which he said, “someone accused me of rape, which is a very serious word, but that’s how they used it, this surprised me and felt terrible. I was very sad to hear the news. People who know me all know my personality, I am impossible to do such a thing.”

Neymar also said, “what actually happened is exactly the opposite of what they said. I will show all the chat records with that girl and the time we spent together, which can prove that nothing has happened too much. Our relationship is just between a man and a woman, and everything is normal the next day. We continue to send messages and chat.”

In the chat records displayed in Neymar, the two people’s information has been enthusiastic since March, and then they jointly decided to let the girl go to Paris. On May 16, that is, the day after the rape reported by the woman, the two still had normal information exchange.

Neymar’s father said in an interview with the local standard-bearer TV station on the evening of the 1st that the woman’s behavior was extortion, and Neymar was the victim.

Neymar’s father said that they did have sex, but under the condition that both sides agreed. When Neymar didn’t want to have a relationship with this woman any more, the latter’s lawyer threatened that they would ask the police and the media to accuse Neymar of rape unless Neymar remitted a certain amount of funds to them. He also said: “If we can’t clarify this matter, the snowball will roll bigger and bigger, which is very bad for us. We will release the mobile phone chat information between the two, this proves that this event is a trap.”

Neymar’s spokesman agreed with Neymar’s father and said in a communique: “We are surprised by the News disclosed by the media, because the fact is that Neymar was blackmailed a few days ago, a lawyer in Sao Paulo who claimed to represent the interests of the woman contacted us.”

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