World Anti-Doping Agency says lifting the ban on Russia has achieved results

Xinhua News Agency, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 13 (Reporter Liu qu) the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said on the 13th that it has completed obtaining raw data from the information management system of Moscow anti-doping laboratory, at present, the data is being analyzed and certified. Last year, the lifting of the ban on Russian anti-doping agency has achieved results.

WADA decided to lift the ban on Russian anti-doping agency in last September. In December, an expert group led by independent expert Pascual visited Moscow to obtain raw data from the information management Depatment system of Moscow anti-doping laboratory.

At the WADA annual Forum opened in Lausanne, Switzerland on the 13th, Sir Craig Ridi, chairman of WADA, said that the expert group had brought back 24TB of data from Moscow in total, equivalent to more than 400000 hours of music files. As of last week, more than 1.5 million related documents have been uploaded to the WADA server and are currently being analyzed and certified. The whole process is estimated to last for two to three months.

Lidi stressed that lifting the ban on Russian anti-doping agency was the same as the original ban, which was the right decision. Although the lifting of the ban puts great pressure on WADA, Russia finally allows WADA to obtain data from Moscow laboratories, which is the key to breaking the deadlock.

In November 2015, WADA published an investigation report made by Canadian lawyer McLaren, saying that there were “organized” and “systematic” drug use problems in Russian sports, subsequently, a ban was imposed on the Russian Anti-Doping Agency.

In addition, at the Forum on that day, WADA also announced a series of future strategic development priorities, including strengthening intelligence and investigation capacity building, developing anti-doping compliance monitoring plans, improving the technical standards of anti-doping laboratories, develop the next generation of anti-doping operation management system (ADAMS), and formulate 2021 versions of anti-doping regulations and international standard framework, etc.

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