Now, you can still see Los Angeles at 4 a.m.

Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhen, March 18, now, you can still see Los Angeles at four o’clock in the morning-interview with NBA legendary star Kobe Bryant

Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bowen Lin deleng Wang Haoming

if not on the scene, you can’t feel the shock of nearly ten thousand people shouting “Kobe, Kobe” in unison. On the court, he is an OMBA legend who can do everything and accept hundreds of millions of fans to worship. After retirement, he transformed luxuriously, keep trying across borders and enjoy it.

As the global image ambassador of the men’s basketball World Cup, NBA legendary Star Kobe appeared in China to participate in the draw ceremony, and accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporter, talking about his life conversion in the upper and lower half of the game, he shared his life insights about love, persistence and even regret.

Attacking the business world, like on the court, he is persistent in

investing, writing books and being a producer. After leaving the court, Kobe’s transformation was quite successful and he constantly tried new roles and challenges. “I am not trying to prove anything, but to love what you do. Find your true love. Once you find it, you will be serious and full of respect in your heart, and your grades will naturally follow.” Kobe told reporters that he founded a media company focusing on content production, launched Kobe’s documentary muses, and published Mamba spirit: Kobe’s autobiography. He cooperated with ESPN + in the basketball analysis series “details” and won the Oscar for best animation short film. He personally devoted himself to creating each one.

Now, he is about to publish his first sports-themed Magic novel widsnard series: Training Camp. “I hope to share what I have learned in my 20-year basketball career through novels, including the philosophy of life, the knowledge of competition, and the forms of stories, magic and entertainment, inspire our next generation.” Kobe said.

In addition, Kobe also invested in sports beverage brand BodyArmor. As beverage giant Coca-Cola acquired some BodyArmor of the shares, Kobe, as the fourth largest shareholder, gained a high investment income. In the field of sports, he also set up “Mamba Institute of Physical Education” to provide all-round sports training for amateur and professional athletes.

For business, Kobe is as devoted to business as he was in the stadium in those days. When he encounters business problems that he does not understand, he will question and bomb business leaders all the time, and even send text messages to business partners to discuss business at three o’clock in the morning. “No matter what you do, you have to invest 100%. Whether you play basketball, write a book or make a movie, you use 100% energy and concentration to ensure that this is the best you can do.” He said.

Kobe now has more time to accompany his wife and daughter, which makes him very happy. He will personally drive his daughter to school and enjoy the happy time of father and daughter alone.

As the global image ambassador of the men’s basketball World Cup, Kobe said he would definitely watch the matches of various teams in the World Cup. In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2012 London Olympic Games, he wore the national team uniform twice to win the gold medal for the US team. Looking forward to the performance of the US team in this World Cup, Kobe believes that they are still the most popular in winning the championship, but they are also facing the situation of strong enemies. “Obviously, as the defending champion, the US team is the biggest favorite to win the championship, but there are no weak teams in the World Cup.” Bryant said, “Many teams have players playing in NBA, and there are also many players who do not choose to play NBA but are also very good. Everyone is very strong.”

Now, I can still see Los Angeles at 4 a.m.

Kobe was a famous training “madman” all the time “.

Karon Butler, who worked with Kobe as a teammate in the Lakers in the 2004-2005 season, recalled that Kobe would come to the stadium for training at 6:30 or 7:00 every day, seven days a week; bryant’s former teammate Byron Scott once said that he saw the 18-year-old “Black Mamba” shooting in the dark in the stadium without lights. At that time, there were still two hours before the team’s formal training; star Bosh recalled that in the American team training camp in Las Vegas, when he got up at eight in the morning and was bleary-eyed to get ready for breakfast, he saw Kobe and his trainer, Kobe with ice pack on his knee, training wear has been completely wet. “Have you ever seen Los Angeles at 4 a.m?” It has long been a synonym for Kobe’s hard work and has been constantly mentioned by fans, inspiring groups of young people.

Kobe told reporters that when he just retired, he was actually a little relaxed and didn’t want to do anything. His knees and shoulders would ache faintly, so he didn’t go to exercise and his figure was a little fat. However, Kobe has resumed training and self-discipline, and still gets up at four o’clock every day to go to fitness.

“About five or six months ago, I started to exercise again and worked very hard to keep fit.” Kobe said. In addition to self-restraint, Kobe’s motivation also comes from his children. Kobe wants to set an example for children and tell them what is hard work, “they can’t see how much you play in the office and what is the most intuitive teaching of words and deeds, that is your training.”

The last battle is more unforgettable than 81 points

looking back at Kobe’s 20-year career, too many highlights and classics, countless times. It has been nearly three years since I stayed away from that party and loved all over the world. What is the most unforgettable moment in my mind for Kobe, who has been sitting in the sofa for a long time?

“The games we won the championship were the most unforgettable, but the last game was the most special for me.” Kobe said. Kobe, who was in the middle of the day in 2006, scored 81 points against the Raptors. Ten years later, in his “Last Dance”, the old Ke, who was not at the peak, slashed the highest 60 points in the season, led the Lakers to win jazz, and a “MambaOut” after the game moved many people to tears.

“At 81 points, my eldest daughter Natalia was only two years old and her second daughter Jaina was not born yet. They had no chance to see me playing in that competitive state with their own eyes.” Kobe said, “and my last game, the children and my wife, Wanisha, were both on the scene. I had the opportunity to see their reactions and enjoy this moment with them. Too much fun, this is a memory I will never forget.”

On the court, the technology of God of War Kobe has changed, but he always believes that there is no end to the improvement of technology. “From the perspective of basketball, I will never say OK at a stage. You can always be better.” Kobe said, “whether it is dry jump, free throw, defense or leadership, I will observe every side of the game, strive to improve on every side, and stay in the comfort zone forever, everything is progress, progress, and then progress.”

Five championship trophy, two Finals MVP, 18 all-star, Kobe still thinks that his career has many regrets, but he has long regarded it as a part of his life. “It is very important to understand that life cannot be perfect. If you have a perfect life, it also lacks a lot of meaning.” Kobe said, “You have to experience ups and downs. You may make a decision that you regret afterwards. This is all a part of life. Through that decision, you can also find the beauty of life.”

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