Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee: Create a frugal, intelligent and green Winter Olympics

Xinhua News Agency, Lausanne, June 25 (reporter Ji Ye, Prince Jiang) in the 134th plenary session of the International Olympic Committee held in Lausanne on the 25th, the Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee made a statement to the plenary session. Zhang Jiandong, vice mayor of Beijing and executive vice chairman of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee, said that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games will fully implement the Olympic Agenda 2020 and the “new norms” and will strive to build a frugal, intelligent and green event.

Zhang Jiandong said in his statement, “All preparations for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics are proceeding smoothly and orderly. I would like to reiterate to you that all competition venues will be completed one after another in 2020, and a total of 15 Winter Olympics test events will be used to inspect Olympic venues and facilities. In accordance with the Olympic 2020 agenda and the “new norms”, we strive to build a frugal, intelligent and green winter Olympics. I hope and believe that this competition will become the most involved Winter Olympics.”

Zhang Jiandong said that while making full use of the legacy of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games venues, “We have formulated a post-game utilization plan for each Winter Olympic venue. We are promoting the concept of low carbon and environmental protection nationwide. Beijing Winter Olympics is still encouraging hundreds of millions of Chinese, especially young people, to participate in ice and snow sports.”

Zhang Jiandong said: “Let’s work together to present a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Olympic event.”

Chang Yu, head of the news and propaganda department of Beijing BOCOG, on the aspects of venues and infrastructure construction, sports, market development, publicity and promotion, talent introduction and training, ice and snow sports development, sustainability and heritage, etc, specific statements were made to the IOC plenary session.

Chang Yu said: “We submitted the operation plan for all business areas (the first edition) and held a series of working meetings in venues, sports, technology and other fields, in particular, around the applicability of the” new specification “to the preparation work of Beijing Winter Olympics, the article-by-article analysis and discussion have been carried out, and 96 measures have been agreed, efforts are being made to implement the requirements of the ‘new regulation’ into all fields and links of the preparatory work.”

Little Samaranch, the first vice chairman of the International Olympic Committee and chairman of the Beijing Winter Olympics Coordination Committee, also introduced the progress of preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics. He said that the Beijing Winter Olympics will drive 0.3 billion people to participate in ice and snow sports, which will be a very rich heritage. The Beijing Winter Olympics not only made good progress, but also made active plans for the host to participate in the competition. The number of national training teams at all levels in the winter project increased significantly compared with the previous Winter Olympics cycle, setting the goal of striving for the whole project.

In the 25th plenary session, Li Lingwei, as the chairman of the coordination committee of the International Olympic Committee of the 2018 Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games, a member of the International Olympic Committee and vice chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee, summarized the competition. In addition, the organizers of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2024 Paris Olympics also made statements.

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