Zhu Ting 17 points wakifu zero seal Moscow revenge counterattack promotion to the top 4 Champions League

In the early morning of March 21, Beijing time, the second round of the 2014 European Women’s Volleyball Champions League 1/4 final continued. In the face of the First Battle of the Russian super giants Dynamo Moscow, the Turkish wakiefer bank, which returned to the home court, was fully prepared. The attack was multi-point flowering and falling, and the three games swept the opponent for revenge. The scores of the three games were 25-19, 25-16 and 25-8. Both sides won one match in two rounds. Wakifu bank, which scored 4 points, counterattacked Dynamo Moscow and entered the top four with points advantage, and will face the winner between Germany’s Stuttgart and Italy’s Novara in the semi-final. Zhu Ting scored 17 points in his second high score, deducted 15% of the attack by 24, and scored 63 percent of the success rate and 2 points in the blocking.

The first line-up of wakiefer bank, which can’t be lost, has been slightly adjusted. It has been changed from Ackman and lasiqi to co-attack, focusing on Zhu Ting and Robinson, and taking over sloths, the second story ozba Yi and free man OGE also made their debut first. In Dynamo Moscow, the first one was sent to major in Havelkova and Shel ban, and the Deputy one was Liu buskena and Fetisova, which were accepted by Okazawa Lova. The second one was ojinian Norwich and the two free men, tarisheva and Polo Ralph Lauren skaya.

After the first game was flat, Zhu Ting stopped the strong attack of Gonza Lova, sloth fought back and fiercer, Fetisova blocked the net, and wakifu exceeded 5-1 in the serve round of otobay. After Havelkova chased to 3-5 on serve, she made serve mistakes, Zhu Ting hit the counterattack, Lasic blocked Fetisova’s fastball, Zhu Ting hit slotyes after breaking the attack on serve, wakifu scored another 4 points 9-3 to take the lead. Robinson stopped Okazawa’s hanging ball, slotys No. 2 counterattack, and the other side made mistakes in rounds. Wakifu pulled the score to 13-4. The legend of wakifu was that there were occasional mistakes and no harm to the overall situation. Zhu Ting attacked and helped his side lead 19-10. Wakifu made a little more mistakes in catching up with shelban, missed slotyeas, and Zhu Ting attacked the bullet net out of the border. Moscow chased to 16-22. Zhu Ting won the game point from 24 to 18 again near the net. After okazarova’s left hand dealt with the ball and pulled back 1 point, he held Zhu Ting’s No. 4 strong attack on the world in multiple rounds. Wakifu 25-19 went to the next city first.

Robinson stopped gunza Lova’s strong attack after 4 ping in the second game, Lasic jumped to make achievements, and shelban was blocked by Ackman, and wakifu 8-4 exceeded. Sloths won a five-point advantage serve, with Zhu Ting’s high point hanging ball and Ackman’s back flying power in the stalemate stage. Zhu Ting and Lasic blocked okazarova’s breakthrough and Ackman scored serve. Wakifu pulled the score to 15-7. In ojinian, Norwich chased Zhu Ting to 9-15, shelban went out of the border spiking sets, sloths fought back sharply, and wakifu 19-10 took the lead. Okazarova forced pressure, shelban seized and counterattacked, and Moscow chased 13-20. Lasic seized the game point 24-15 chest-high ball. After fatisova stopped Zhu Ting’s spiking sets and pulled back one point, Zhu Ting’s No. 4 position made a final attack and wakifu 25-16 went to the next city.

After the second ping of the third game, slottes attacked and stopped three times in succession. Zhu Ting’s block and counterattack also made achievements. Wakifu exceeded 7-2 in the serve round of otobai. Zhu Ting’s pursuit of shelban worked. Lasiqi grabbed the probe, sloths and Robinson fought back. Wakifu pulled the score to 11-3, and Moscow adjusted the main attack to replace shelban. The score of rasiqida pulled the score to 14-4 after the game, and the two-in-three faction in Moscow passed the second story of Shen shennina and the successor Lazareva. Moscow, 7-18 backward, was replaced with shelban. In the second ball Crane of oldsbayi, wakifu expanded its leading edge to 19-7. Zhu Ting made a strong attack, Havelkova went out of the world spiking sets, and the other side was caught and counterattacked by Zhu Ting once again. Wakifu 24-8 was far ahead of the competition point. Lazareva suffered a setback after the attack. Wakifu won 25-8 and swept Moscow 3-0 for revenge.

Four attackers of wakifu bank scored double points in this battle, and they scored 19 points in succession with Sloth. Zhu Ting contributed 17 points in the main attack, and Robinson and rasiqi in the main attack got 10 points. In Dynamo Moscow, the successor Okazawa scored the highest 11 points of his party, and the two main attacks, shelban and Havelkova, scored only 6 points and 5 points respectively.

After two rounds of competition, wakifu bank and Dynamo Moscow won each other. Wakifu bank scored 4 points and successfully advanced to the top 4. Dynamo Moscow who scored 2 points were unfortunately out due to points disadvantage. The Bank of wakifu is in the first half, and the opponent in the semi-final will be the winner between Germany’s Stuttgart and Italy’s Novara. The Champions League women’s volleyball semi-final still adopts the main away game system. The first round of competition will be held on April 2-4, and the second round of competition will be held on April 9-11. (Caucasus)

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