Zhengzhou Women’s Half Marathon recruitment “official rabbit”

Sponsored by China Track and Field Association, Zhengzhou National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone Administrative Committee, Zhengzhou Sports Bureau, Zhengzhou newspaper group, Zhengzhou Women’s Federation, the 2019 Zhengzhou (high-tech zone) International Women’s Half Marathon and National Women’s Half Marathon Championship hosted by Zhengzhou high-tech zone Social Business Bureau and Zheng bao high-tech financial media center will be fired on April 21. For male runners, the only way to join this female-specific good-looking event is to become the official rabbit of the event. The recruitment work of the official rabbit of the organizing committee of the event was officially launched on the 26th.

Want to accompany the girl to run? Hurry up to sign up. This year’s Women’s Half Marathon recruited official rabbits in 6 groups: 1:45, 2:00, 2:15, 2:30, 2:45, 3:00, there are 4 people in each group, a total of 24 people.

The specific requirements for the official rabbit candidate are: having half marathon experience (with Performance Certificate) certified by Tian Xie in two years or more, and having Marathon Speedman experience in the past two years is preferred; have a personal best score of 15 minutes higher than the registration speed range. In addition to having a high enough competition level, the official rabbit must also have positive, enthusiastic, sunny and other characteristics as well as certain first aid knowledge to ensure that he can lead and help his runners to reach the competition goal. The organizing committee also hopes that official rabbit can cooperate with the official microblog, WeChat and other platforms of the event to actively participate in the interaction and share his experience in the competition.

Running friends who intend to participate in the recruitment of official rabbit can enter the registration channel by scanning the right QR code and submit their own relevant information. The registration deadline is April 2. The organizing committee will invite industry experts to determine the final list based on various factors. The final list of official rabbits will be publicized through the official website http://zhengzhou.kiss-run.com, official WeChat, and official Weibo in early April.

The selected official rabbit will receive the exclusive leading equipment and exclusive bib number provided by the organizing committee. If the speed allocation task is completed within the specified time, it will also receive the honorary certificate issued by the organizing committee. (Reporter Guo taolou Liu Chaofeng)

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