Women’s Ice Hockey World Championship ends Beijing preparations for the 2022 Winter Olympics

Last night, the Group B competition of the women’s ice hockey world championship of the International Ice Federation in 2019 ended in Shougang Ice Hockey Hall. The Chinese team lost 1 to 2 against Kazakhstan in the final round and finally ranked fourth in the group. Although they failed to win the championship, the girls said one after another that they gained a lot through high-level actual combat.

As the world’s highest level ice hockey event, the world championship also provides a good opportunity for Beijing to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics. “This is the highest-level ice hockey event held after the success of Beijing’s Winter Olympics. It has gained a lot in terms of competition operation, talent reserve and audience training.” Shao Xiaojun, director of the municipal sports competition management center, said.

The organization Operation found insufficient

At the beginning of 2015, Beijing also held the female ice world championship in this group. “But this competition, regardless of venue conditions or organizational level, has improved from four years ago.” Shao Xiaojun said that through this world championship, Beijing not only trained the team, got familiar with the competition rules, but also found many shortcomings. “For example, ice hockey is an injury-prone project. Major events require very fine and professional medical security, and we still have a certain gap in this aspect.” At the same time, since there are only 6 teams participating in the world championships, the scale is smaller than that of the Winter Olympics, and the accommodation, transportation and other equipment are not completely in accordance with the standards of the Winter Olympics. “The deficiencies are found through drills and learning, it is conducive to further improving the level of competition.”

Finding and making up for the deficiency is also reflected in all aspects of competition guarantee. Liu yonlia, the venue security officer responsible for repairing the ice surface, said frankly: “The requirements of the International Ice Federation are very strict, and the water temperature for pouring ice in the bureau is really difficult to master.” According to his introduction, the break is only 15 minutes. If the water temperature of pouring ice is too high, it will cause the ice surface to freeze and affect the sliding of the ball. On the 6th, the first game of the Chinese team was suspended for a few minutes due to this problem. “This is the lesson learned through practical exercises.” Liu yonlia said, “I hope I can improve my business level as soon as possible and provide the best service for Olympic athletes at that time.”

Local referees have accumulated experience

About 107 off-site referees are needed in the ice hockey competition of Beijing Winter Olympics, but such talents are currently insufficient in domestic reserves. Therefore, the world championship has become a great opportunity for Chinese ice hockey to exercise and cultivate local referees. Among the seven sideline referees sent by the International Binglian for the event, two Chinese linemen were included-this was the first time that Chinese female referees appeared in the world championship level event.

21 off-site referees are all selected by Beijing Ice Hockey Association. They are responsible for the statistics of the number of shots, goal lines, lineup changes and other data in each game. They also need to update the big screen and broadcast live. “Being a referee is the same as playing basketball. It takes a lot of actual combat to improve the level.” Li Mengjie, who is responsible for the statistics of competition data, has been engaged in the referee work for three years, but it is the first time to participate in the world championship. During the competition, she worked with high-level referees and the data manager of the International Ice Federation special mission gave guidance throughout the process, which made her grow a lot. “her mentality is more stable and her judgment on the field is more accurate, I also learned more about the work content of the post.”

In recent years, the city bingxieda has made great efforts to cultivate local referees. From only one off-site referee serving the world championship four years ago to a strong team of 21 people now. “I hope everyone will work together in recent years, and more Beijing referees will be shortlisted in the ‘Olympic line’ in 2022 ‘.” Li Mengjie said.

The audience broadened their horizons.

The holding of the world championships has also broadened the horizon of the audience in the stands, especially the teenagers. No matter the hardcore fans or the “white” of ice and snow, they have their own gains through watching the World Championships. “Such a high level of competition is rare in China, which helps children go further on the road of ice hockey.” “Bingma” Fu Zhenhong said.

Fu Zhenhong’s daughter is a member of Beijing junior women’s ice hockey team. During the World Championships, the City Ice Association organized the team’s players and parents to watch the games on the spot. Although these little girls have participated in many domestic and foreign competitions, watching the World Championships closely still makes everyone excited.

With the strong support of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, the organizing committee organized 8,000 students and parents to watch the competition on the spot, in order to promote the popularization and development of campus ice hockey, the platform is built to cultivate the enthusiasm of teenagers to participate in ice and snow sports. The activity received positive responses from students and parents. Zhang Liyu, who accompanied his daughter to watch the competition, said that watching the World Championship can cultivate children’s patriotism and enthusiasm for sports and promote all-round development. “in 2022, I hope to take her to the scene to watch the Winter Olympics.”

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