The executive committee of the International Olympic Committee nominated Yang Yang to run for vice president of the World Anti-Doping Agency

The International Olympic Committee released a message on its official website on the 22nd: “The Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee has nominated Ms. Yang Yang, the Chinese Olympic champion, as the representative of the Olympic movement to run for the vice president of WADA.”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 23 (reporter Ji Jima Xiangfei) the official website of the International Olympic Committee reported that the International Olympic Committee held an Executive Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland on the 22nd local time, he decided to nominate Yang Yang, the first gold winner of China’s Winter Olympics, as the representative of the Olympic movement, to run for the post of vice president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). WADA also congratulated Yang Yang on his nomination at the first time on its official website.

The International Olympic Committee released a message on its official website on the 22nd, saying: “The Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee has nominated Chinese Olympic champion Ms. Yang Yang as the representative of the Olympic movement to run for vice president of WADA.”

At the same time, WADA also reported on the official website “WADA congratulates Yang Yang on being nominated by Vice President”. The article said: “WADA congratulates Yang Yang, the Olympic champion from China, on winning the nomination of sports representatives to the executive committee of WADA and the board of directors of the foundation, becoming their preferred candidate for vice president of WADA.”

WADA also said on its official website that the executive committee of WADA and the board of directors of the Foundation nominated Polish Minister of Sports and Tourism vitorde banka as the preferred candidate for president of WADA. Sir Craig Riddy, the current chairman of WADA, will step down at the end of 2019.

WADA announced that the formal election of its chairman and vice-chairman will be held in Katowice, Poland, from November 5-7. The newly elected chairman and vice-chairman will serve for three years and take office formally from January 1, 202020.

Banka was once a 400-meter runner. Yang Yang won the first Winter Olympics gold medal for China in the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics. WADA said that two former athletes, Banka and Yang Yang, were nominated for the two most important positions in WADA, which would further ensure that the athletes made a voice in the core of WADA.

Yang Yang served as a member of the International Olympic Committee from 2010 to 2018. During that period, Yang Yang served as a member of the International Olympic Committee Athletes Committee and deeply participated in all aspects of the work of the International Olympic Committee, he also participated in the investigation of Russian doping incidents as a member of the IOC ethics committee.

After stepping down as a member of the International Olympic Committee, Yang Yang became a member of the market development committee of the International Olympic Committee, and also served as chairman of the athletes Committee of the Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee in 2022 and director of the International Skating Federation.

The main task of the World Anti-Doping Agency is to examine and adjust the list of prohibited drugs, determine drug testing laboratories, and engage in anti-doping research, education and prevention. (Finished)

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