2019 karat Mayi China International Camping Conference will open “Wilderness Journey”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14th, 2019 karat Mayi China International Camping Conference will open a cross-country hiking camping competition in Karamay, Xinjiang on the 29th. At present, the conference has started registration.

The conference lasted from the end of June to the “11” Golden Week. It was divided into RV parade, cross-country camping competition with people and cars, camping music festival, Wilderness Hiking Conference, food festival, camping photography contest and other projects.

In the cross-country hiking camping competition of “Walking With Love”, 3 to 5 participants took one car together. During the cross-country camping journey of 200 kilometers, participants can not only experience the “all-road track”, but also experience unforgettable challenges with their companions in more than 2 days.

This conference is hosted by Karamay Municipal People’s Government and co-hosted by the organizing committee of China International Camping Conference and Karamay municipal cultural and sports radio and television and tourism bureau, aiming at promoting the deep integration and development of local “sports + Culture + Tourism, build famous tourism brands.

It is reported that Karamay municipal government has signed a long-term strategic cooperation agreement with Beijing camping Home Sports Culture Co., Ltd., the operator of China International Camping Conference. China International Camping Conference will also introduce sports industry enterprises to Karamay in the global service center of Karamay landing camping House, and hold a series of activities such as camping and Leisure Summit Forum and interaction with China International Camping Conference.

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