Sino-Norwegian winter sports exchanges and cooperation flourish

Xinhua News Agency, Oslo, May 16, summary: Sino-Norwegian winter sports exchanges and cooperation are booming

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang shuhuiliang Youyi

One side has the ambition of “The competition is wonderful, and the competition will be brilliant, one side has the strong strength to win gold and silver in the Winter Olympics-ice and snow fields have become the meeting point between China and Norway, and the winter sports exchanges and cooperation between the two sides are booming.

According to the reporter’s understanding from the officials of the State Sports General Administration, in the process of preparing for the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, in order to solve the problem of the shortage of venues and talents currently faced by China’s winter sports development, especially skiing events, the General Administration of Sports insisted on opening up preparations and carried out extensive cooperation with winter sports powers such as Norway and Finland.

Since 2018, the training teams of various ice and snow projects in China have gone to Norway to train for 19 batches and 395 people. They have gone to 7 cities in Norway and hired 29 Norwegian coaches, I hope to make use of Norway’s first-class venues and coach teams to make efforts to make up for the short board in cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski jumping and northern Europe.

In the process of preparing for the war, the General Administration of Sports, while improving the level of athletes in the original winter events, also through cross-border cross-item selection, in weightlifting, gymnastics, cycling, choose potential athletes to practice Winter events in summer events such as track and field.

Zhang Bei, the director of cross-border cross-country skiing, biathlon and northern Europe of the General Administration of Sports, told reporters that one of their tasks was to find talented ones as much as possible, athletes who are likely to achieve good results in special projects will be trained. From the current point of view, the progress is very smooth. Some athletes have already shown their advantages in special projects, and good results have also appeared in some competitions.

When talking about the cooperation with Norway, Zhang Bei said that there were some differences in culture and concept between the two sides at the beginning, but in the process of cooperation, the coaches and athletes in the team often communicated with each other, the cooperation between the two sides has become more and more smooth.

Wen Ying, who is engaged in cross-country running in China, has been in Norway for nearly half a year. Through professional training with foreign coaches, her cross-country skiing skills have been greatly improved. “My goal is to train hard, to achieve better results, to work hard, to fight, to participate in the Olympic Games.” Wen Ying said.

Sun jicai, who is 1.98 meters tall, was originally a rowing athlete with prominent physical conditions. He believes that the training in Norway is more professional and closer to the specific requirements of high-level projects, and the geographical environment and coaches here can promote the team members to make faster progress.

The Norwegian coach Alier askstad of the cross-border cross-event Biathlon training team said that when training in Norway began last fall, most of the team members just started to learn skiing, but they worked hard and focused, incredible progress has been made now. If they stick to it, I believe they will achieve better results.

In addition to cross-border cross-item selection, the General Administration of Sports also actively guides social forces to participate in the development and preparation of ice and snow sports. The Xinjiang team of the national cross-country ski training team is a team jointly established by Norwegian winter outdoors sports brand SWIX and Xinjiang. In the Bird’s Nest Station competition of the International Snow Federation China Beijing cross-country skiing points Grand Prix held on March 1 this year, the team member dinigel shiramujiang won the second place in the women’s group.

Dinigel shiramujiang told reporters that it has been nearly 10 months since he came to Norway for training this time. The overall level of cross-country skiing in Norway is very high, and the team members can learn very advanced technology with the Norwegian coach. When talking about her expectations, she said: “strive to be the best, make a historic breakthrough in the Beijing Winter Olympics, and win honor for the country!”

The coach Christian Sven of the national cross-country ski training team of Xinjiang group, said that compared with Norwegian athletes, Chinese athletes are more disciplined, train very hard, and can practice repeatedly, it also has great potential. In his two years of coaching, the team members made unimaginable progress, leaving a deep impression on him.

In order to learn from Norway’s advanced skiing events development experience, the General Administration of Sport regards Norway as a key country for foreign training and preparation for the Winter Olympics. In April, 2017, the sports authorities of China and Norway signed the memorandum of understanding on sports cooperation between China and Norway. Since then, the two sides have signed implementation plans involving specific sports exchange projects one after another, among which winter project cooperation is the top priority of the plan.

Tefal, president of the Norwegian Olympic Committee, told reporters that the cooperation between the two sides in winter sports and other fields has achieved great success in recent years. Young athletes from both sides of China and Norway can get in touch with the new culture, and the level of competitive sports has also made great progress. He said that he believed that Chinese athletes would perform very well in the 2022 Winter Olympics.

Asian crown: Beijing Guoan hope won the first victory Buriram the league will fully defend

Xinhua News Agency, Thailand, April 8, Buriram (Chen Jiaobao, Zhang Ke) in the third round of the Asian Champions League group match to be held on the 9th, Beijing China national security team will face Thailand Buriram United on the road. Beijing Guoan, who has not won the first two rounds, hopes to win the first victory. The Buriram United team, which has won three points, said that it will defend fully.

In the first two rounds of battle, Guoan’s 1-level and 1-negative team was at the bottom, with Urawa Red Diamonds 1 win and 1-level accumulated 4 points, and Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors-level and Buriram-level teams were both 1 win and 1-negative accumulated 3 points.

Guoan coach Schmidt said at the pre-match press conference on the 8th that Thailand’s traffic and hot weather are big challenges for players, and the opponent Buriram United is a strong team, but this does not change Guoan’s expectation for winning this game. “Wearing this jersey, every player will go all out to play the national security spirit.”

Schmidt said that the current players are mainly in the adjusted state, preparing for tomorrow’s game, and have done enough homework to have a deep understanding of the opponents, hoping to win the first victory of Guoan in the Asian Champions League this season.

Talking about the adjustment of the player Yu Dabao from the forward to the defender, Schmidt said that this adjustment was because the team realized the potential of Yu Dabao in the central defender position, and the team communicated with the players, and made many tests, the effect is good. Schmidt also said that Augusto, who had been injured before, was no big deal and would not affect the game.

Buriram team coach class Davidovich said that Guoan is a very strong team. The challenges faced by the Buriram team in this competition are big and difficult, however, the Buriram United team is fully prepared psychologically and physically and will do its best. Although the goal is to score 3 points, the Buriram United team will focus on full defense.