Asian Crown’s super power East Asia continues to stage “Three Kingdoms Kill”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 23: The Super League power of the Asian crown continued to stage the “Three Kingdoms killing” in East Asia

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Yong

on the 22nd, the last round of the Asian crown group match, three of the four participating teams of the Chinese Super League advanced. It has been three consecutive years that the three teams of the Super League have achieved group qualification, which proves once again that the Super League is an extremely important force in Asia at the level of the league. However, it is a pity that Beijing Zhonghe Guoan team, who returned to the Asian Championship, failed to qualify due to lack of experience and injuries.

Judging from the competition between East Asia, China, Japan and South Korea in the Asian Champions League group match this season, the following features are worthy of attention:

First, in the 16th strong, China and Japan each have three teams to advance, and South Korea has only two teams to enter. From the perspective of league matches, the professional league matches between China and Japan show continuous strength and the overall situation is good.

Second, although there are only two teams in South Korea, the old top teams have shown extremely high technical and tactical abilities in the two matches with Beijing Guoan team, which has shown extremely strong momentum of Super League Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors, it is expected to go further in the Champions League this season.

Third, the three Japanese teams promoted, especially the Urawa Red Diamonds team in the last round of life-and-death battle, winning the national security promotion at home, showing a profound foundation and confidence. Different from the Chinese Super League’s foreign aid as the core, local players of Japanese and Korean teams have gradually grown into the core of the team. The football development of the two countries has a good ecology, local talents emerge one after another, the playing method is stable, the adaptability is strong, the professional atmosphere and the construction of fan culture take shape.

Fourth, the Chinese Super League should not be arrogant. After all, there are three teams in the Asian Championship for three consecutive years. Guangzhou Evergrande has also won two Asian Championships, creating an amazing box office record and contributing to the recovery of Chinese football. In the Asian Championship, which is paid more and more attention by Japanese and Korean teams, the tough competition between China, Japan and South Korea’s top professional teams is a wonderful performance that contributes to fans and a platform for discovering their own shortcomings. The Super League, which attracted many world-class stars to join in the Asian Championship, expanded the market and showed a diversified development model, making football, the world’s first sport, more influential, contributed to the development of football Asia.

Fifth, it is a good strategy to go hand in hand with the creation of a first-class professional league. The short-sighted past of Chinese football has led to the shortage of football population and the lack of talent. Facing the current situation, it is not beneficial to complain blindly. Under the guidance of the full reform plan, we must do a good job in the construction of software and hardware systems such as site construction, campus football, youth training, social football, etc, we attach great importance to the head construction of the national team and the Chinese Super League with strong influence, rebuild the Chinese football ecology and make it develop harmoniously.

Its sixth, looking forward to the “comeback” of the unwilling Guoan next year “. Beijing Guoan team this season ushered in the first Asian championship after the China-hehe group took over. Guoan, who has won ten consecutive victories in the overtaking field, is expected by the fans. However, from the performance of the Asian Championship, the team’s overall strength, competition experience, Schmidt coach team’s research on Japanese and Korean teams, as well as the control of the third-line operations, all have deficiencies, resulting in the team’s failure, become the only Super League team that failed to qualify in the group. Looking forward to fighting again next year in Guoan, which is ambitious.

Chinese football needs the spirit of not admitting defeat, and it also needs to build a good mechanism for sustainable development to cast the strength of playing songs. (Finished)