Single News: Guoan home court takes Shenhua Beijing-Shanghai war is no longer here

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14 (reporter Ji Ye, Wang Yong) the 13th round of the Chinese Super League was launched on the 14th. The Beijing China national security team won the Shanghai Shenhua team at home 2:1, and the latter won the 9th round of the league, while Guoan consolidated the leading edge of the standings.

Guoan and Shenhua can be described as old rivals of the league. The old coach Jin Zhiyang summed up everything by saying “there is no need to mobilize to play Shenhua. But the performance of the two teams is quite different this season. The “Beijing-Shanghai dialogue” also had no smell of gunpowder. Guoan, who was sitting in the Workers’ Stadium, almost completely suppressed opponents in the cheer sound of more than 40000 fans on the scene, park Cheng and Augusto scored two goals in the first half, which made the game lose suspense early.

What is more embarrassing is that Guoan led Shenhua 27 points in only 13 rounds of the league. Palace Guards topped the list with 36 points, while Shenhua led the last Tianjin Tianhai team by 2 points in more than one match, which may be reduced to “deputy monitor” after this round “.

The warm-up match just held by the national team has certain consumption for Guoan. Zhang yoning has not entered the big list. Li Ke serves as a substitute. Yu Dabao, Zhang Xianzhe, Li Lei, Wang Gang, Prince Ming and other international players all started.

After the opening, Shenhua was completely suppressed by Guoan, and it was difficult to pass the half-time, but this kind of dead guard was not guarded. In the 14th minute, after many passes, Guoan was shot by Park Cheng at the frontier of the small forbidden zone. In the 41st minute, there was no interference in the periphery of Augusto restricted area, and a long shot broke the door, helping Guoan to get a 2:0 lead. In the first half, Shenhua’s best chance appeared in the 35th minute. Yu Dabao Middle Road made a mistake at Header. Shenhua got a chance to fight back. However, Qian Jie’s shot at the middle road in the forbidden zone was blocked by Yu Dabao flying back.

After Yi Bian, the scene was dull. The backward Shenhua tried to strengthen the attack, but did not create too much threat. On the contrary, Guoan was killed by Prince Ming in the 79th minute. His shot was relieved by Shenhua player Li Peng, who was struggling to chase him back, before door line, but the ball still hit the column. Before the final match, Shenhua finally scored a goal by Wu Yizhen, but it was too late.

Foreign foreign aid joined the township basketball game to reflect the changes of Guangxi Rural areas

The picture shows the game site. Lin Hao Photo

Zhongxin news agency, Nanning, February 16th issue: Foreign foreign aid joining the township basketball game reflects the changes of Guangxi Rural Areas

author Lin haomucongling

The unrestrained layup and accurate projection of foreign professional players, difficult air connection buckle…… This scene did not take place in Chinese professional venues such as CBA, but a township sports meeting held in Hengxian county, Guangxi.

The Black player Mike Anderson from the United States once played for the NBA team. He was tall and fengshui ball sensitive and stood out on the court, but in this township basketball game, his town team failed to enter the top 8.

On February 16, the 6-day “Jasmine Flower Cup” Spring Festival Township basketball match in Hengxian county, Guangxi closed. 29 years ago, this event was only a small activity for some local basketball enthusiasts to return home to exchange feelings during the Spring Festival. Today, the scale is constantly expanding, attracting 30 foreign players and 43 foreign aid from their own countries. Of the 25 teams in 17 villages and towns in Hengxian County, only 4 did not invite foreign players.

Huang Jun, coach of Pinglang Township basketball team in Hengxian county, invited former Rockets player BJ-Yang and others to join the team. With the joint efforts of all the team members, he won the fifth place, which is the best result in the history of the team.

“Watching the ball and playing ball are not only fun, but also the boosters for us to unite our hometown and seek common development.” Huang Junren said that the life in the countryside is getting better and better now. Villagers hope that their hometown will be brilliant during the Spring Festival, and they hope that the younger generation can fall in love with sports, exercise from an early age and have a strong body.

Yi guogai, a propaganda member of Pinglang township, Hengxian County, also said that during the Spring Festival of the year of the pig, with the popularity of basketball, sports and fitness replaced the previous drinking and playing cards, becoming one of the favorite activities of the returning people, more people go to the stadium to embrace health. Many villagers who can’t buy tickets for the game watch the game live on the Internet.

Professional players who can only see on TV at peace compete with each other at zero distance. The player from Nanyang town closed zhougui was very excited and sighed, “seeing another world”. He said: “The speed, physical fitness and local players of foreign aid are different. The strength of physical confrontation is several times higher than usual, but their shooting methods and the pace of the basket are worth learning, the game gained a lot.”

Closed Zhou Gui, 20 years old this year, loved sports since he was young. One year ago, he chose to go back to his hometown and work as a coach in a gym when he worked in Guangdong for many years. In his view, the income gap between working in the county and the big city is not big, and he can often play ball with his childhood playmates at ordinary times, which is very happy.

Closed zhougui also found that in recent years, the number of players around him has gradually increased. No matter which village they go to, various competitions emerge one after another, and it is normal for basketball courts to be full. He said: “When I was a child, there were not many villages with basketball courts. Even if there were, it was a gravel field. When I fell down, I wiped my skin. After a game, the soles of my feet often got blisters. Now, there are basketball courts in every village, playing more and more vigorously on the court composed of plastic floors and tempered glass backboards.”

Zhou Xiao, deputy director of Hengxian Wenxin Sports Bureau and vice chairman of Basketball Association, introduced that the rules allowing foreign aid in Hengxian Township basketball match have been issued for nearly 10 years, mainly to enhance the appreciation of the game and help local players improve their football skills. With the expansion of the influence of the event, Hengxian County is setting off a basketball boom. Every holiday, 17 towns and villages in the county and 80% of administrative villages will hold the game, and potential players are constantly emerging.

At the same time, Hengxian county has invested more funds in the construction and transformation of basketball courts in poor villages. More than 1,800 basketball courts have covered all villages. (Finished)