Sports commentary: self-enrollment testing sports, don’t let the original intention of the policy fall empty

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 9th, Sports Review: self-enrollment test sports, don’t let the original intention of the policy fall empty

Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Peng

recently, 90 colleges and universities with independent enrollment qualifications in the country have successively announced enrollment guidelines. Compared with previous years, all colleges and universities have added sports subject tests in the college entrance examination according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education. However, the reporter’s investigation found that only a few colleges and universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University and Beijing Normal University had five test subjects, and most colleges and universities only chose one to three test items, and most of them choose relatively easy projects such as height and body mass index, vital capacity, standing long jump, etc. The relatively difficult pull-up and 800 m/1000 m running are less popular.

Because there is no unified physical education examination outline, most colleges and universities take the latest National Student Physical Health Standard (revised in 2014) as the reference for self-enrollment physical education test. According to this standard, the evaluation of students’ physical fitness should include three aspects: body shape, physical function and physical quality, which correspond to height and body mass index, vital capacity, 50-meter running, sitting forward body flexion, standing long jump, pull-up (male), sit-ups (female), Endurance running and other test items. According to this, some colleges and universities self-enrollment sports test is too simple, it is difficult to achieve the purpose of testing.

Some insiders pointed out that because physical education was not included in the college entrance examination, physical education in senior high school, especially in grade 3, was useless, and the physical health of students after the college entrance examination was worrying. Especially in recent years, there are reports of students passing out or even sudden death in long-distance running from time to time, which makes many colleges and universities worry a lot when determining the self-enrollment physical test program, for fear that the examinees will have an accident in the physical test, so they try their best to choose easy tests. Some colleges and universities are limited by the test site and time, and can only choose some test items that are easy to operate, time-saving and land-saving.

The independent enrollment and testing of physical education in colleges and universities is a positive measure launched by the Education Department in time on the basis of paying attention to physical education, aiming at making the majority of parents and examinees realize that physical exercise is as important as cultural learning, even in senior three, physical exercise cannot be interrupted, thus triggering a positive chain reaction in which primary and secondary schools attach importance to sports. However, due to various considerations, some colleges and universities avoid the importance of sports tests, which not only makes it difficult to accurately evaluate the examinees’ athletic ability and physical quality, but also does not play a positive role in encouraging the majority of primary and secondary school students to adhere to physical exercises, let the education authorities discount their good intentions.

It is true that this year is the first year that the Ministry of Education requires independent enrollment of colleges and universities to test sports. Most colleges and universities have no experience and are cautious about how to conduct and evaluate sports tests, which is completely understandable. In fact, we do not require all colleges and universities to test long-distance running and pull-ups. The key is to ensure the scientificity and effectiveness of sports tests. Since it is an independent entrance examination, colleges and universities should enjoy certain autonomy on the premise of ensuring that the test purpose is achieved. For example, Wuhan University and Shandong University also chose 800 meters/1000 meters to evaluate the aerobic endurance level of examinees, while Tsinghua University chose step exercise test.

To crack the psychology of “fear of difficulties” in physical examination and make the policy come to the ground with good original intention, all colleges and universities need to raise awareness and actively act. Self-enrollment and testing of sports conforms to the trend of China’s education reform and the reform of college entrance examination selection mechanism system. Colleges and universities should fully understand its importance and promote the development of sports testing with a more positive attitude.

Breaking the “fear of difficulty” psychology of physical examination also requires the competent department of education to make persistent efforts and constantly refine and perfect the policy. The definition of the scope of the physical test project, how to evaluate the results of the physical test, and how to ensure the fairness of examinees with chronic diseases or natural physical conditions are all issues that require in-depth study by the Education Department, A relatively detailed guidance will be issued as soon as possible so that colleges and universities can follow the rules in practice.

Cracking the “fear of difficulty” psychology of physical examination requires the support and cooperation of students, parents and society. The quality of students’ physical quality depends to a large extent on whether they can fully participate in physical exercises at ordinary times, which requires the active guidance of parents and the support of social system.

Only when teenagers have a strong body can the country have a strong foundation. Only by promoting the scientific physical test of independent enrollment in colleges and universities and giving full play to the role of “positive baton” can we promote the improvement of the overall physical fitness of all students and lay a more solid foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Finished)