Wang Frost: director Jia treats us like a father. Please treat him objectively and the Chinese women’s football team.

After the first game of this World Cup, the Chinese team lost the German team with a regret of 0:1, the saying that Wang Frost and Jia Xiuquan lost.

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on June 8, Chinese team player Wang Frost was in the match. On the same day, in Group B of the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup held by Rennes, France, the Chinese team lost to Germany 0-1. Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Yiyi shot

Xinhua News Agency, Paris, June 10 (reporter Ma Bangjie, Yue Dong, Xing Yue ran) Chinese female football star King Frost said in an interview with the media after training on the 10th, she failed to live up to the expectations of head coach Jia Xiuquan in the match against Germany; Jia Xiuquan treated women’s football players like his father, hoping that the outside world could look at him and the Chinese team objectively and not speculate.

After the first game of this World Cup, the Chinese team lost the German team with a regret of 0:1, the saying that Wang Frost and Jia Xiuquan lost the match came out from the outside world. The cause of the incident was Jia Xiuquan’s evaluation of Wang Frost’s performance after the Sino-German match: “How do you think she played in the second half? Still ask my mother? Everyone has seen it. What I need is a team, not a certain star in my team. What I need is overall football.”

These rumors obviously attracted Wang Frost’s attention. On the 10th, after the training of the Chinese team, she clarified these rumors. She said, “isn’t there a mixed match after playing the German ball? I also said that I was not particularly satisfied with my own state and didn’t play so well. Then there are so many comments, I think everyone should still look at our team objectively, including my current state.”

“Take the game against Germany as an example, I am very grateful to director Jia for giving me the opportunity to play, but I still failed to live up to his expectations for me.” Wang Frost said. She thought that she “really didn’t do it” Jia Xiuquan assigned her the responsibility of organizing attacks.

Wang Frost said that after she returned to the Chinese team from Paris Saint-German, she was always in a bad state. Jia Xiuquan and all the coaching staff were trying to help her. Jia Xiuquan worked hard and took care of the team, and the outside world misunderstood him.

She said, “after coming back from Paris, the coaching staff and the whole team have been very helpful to me, because knowing that my competitive status is not very good, every training class has been held since I came back, finally, director Jia and the whole coaching team stayed with me to practice.”

“I have seen so many comments on director Jia’s remarks. In fact, everyone does not know director Jia and our women’s football team very well. For more than a year, I think that many things that Jia Dao paid for this team are seen by our team members and kept in mind. He trained for three hours in every training class. The whole coaching staff, including him, accompanied us all the time. He didn’t drink a drop of water in every training class, which we all saw.” Wang Frost continued, “and when he comes to this team, we can all feel the progress, and we can all feel the changes he has brought to us. So I think director Jia is just like a father to us. No matter how he talks about us, it is good for us. We all know this, so I think I still need to find the reason from myself.”

Wang Frost called on the outside world to safeguard the interests of Chinese women’s football team and create a good atmosphere. She said: “I hope the media and fans can maintain our team more, and don’t guess something about me and our team. Jia export said before the expedition that we are a family and need to work together for this family to play this World Cup well.”

The Chinese women’s football team will face South Africa, the second rival of the World Cup, at the Prince Paris stadium on the 13th. This is a game that is related to the prospect of the Chinese team’s coming out of the line. It cannot be missed.

Wang Frost is confident in this battle. She said: “Everyone has seen the first game. In fact, we have the strength to compete with any team and compete. The last game has passed. We need to prepare for the next game. We will concentrate on preparing for the next game.”

Lou Jiahui, who was replaced by injury in the last match against Germany, was also interviewed by the media after the training on the 10th. She said that her injury was no longer serious and “can endure”. She said: “It is still very painful to be stepped on by the other party spike, but it is not the kind of big injury that can’t play.”