China’s Team A and Team B both entered the top four Snooker World Cup

Xinhua News Agency, Nanjing, June 29 (reporter Wang Hengzhi) Beverly Snooker World Cup 2019 made A final four in Wuxi, Jiangsu on the 29th. China’s A and B teams defeated Hong Kong China team and Belgium respectively, and both entered the final four.

There were 24 teams and 48 players from 23 countries and regions participating in this competition. The Chinese team sent two teams to participate in the competition. Ding Junhui and Yan Bingtao formed China Team A, Liang Wenbo, zhou Yuelong formed China Team B. After five rounds of competition in the group match, China’s A and B teams both advanced to the top eight.

On the afternoon of 29th, Chinese team B played against the Belgian team led by brechelle. Brechelle performed well. First, he won Liang Wenbo at 96:30 in the first game and defeated Zhou Yuelong at 78 points in the fifth game, however, the “post-00s” general Mortens of the Belgian team became their “short board”. Zhou Yuelong and Liang Wenbo defeated him in the second and fourth innings respectively. The doubles contest is also a top skill of the Chinese team. Liang Wenbo’s single shot in the third game is divided into Chinese team to win the match. Zhou Yuelong and Liang Wenbo jointly won the match with 81:15 in the sixth game, thus winning the match with 4: the total score of 2 is promoted to the top four. Their semi-final opponents will be England’s “post-90s” combination Wilson and Lisovsky, who beat Thailand to advance in the seventh game 4:3.

The Chinese team A played Hong Kong China team on the evening of 29th. As A result, the game was completely one-sided. Ding Junhui and Yan Bingtao went down four cities to win the opponent with A disparity score of 4:0. The opponent of the semi-final of Chinese Team A is the Scottish team composed of Higgins and Maguire, which is 4:3 Rek Wales on the same day.

Snooker World Cup is the world’s highest-standard snooker team competition, and the Chinese team has achieved three successive championships of the World Cup. The total prize of this competition is 800000 dollars, and the champion team will win 200000 dollars. All competitions will end on the 30th.

Players should be careful when playing with injuries. Don’t win the game and lose the future.

In the Kingdom of sports, everyone should not be required to be a hero.

Xinhuanet sports Chengdu, June 13 (Ji Yanhao) on the 11th, Durant was injured and injured again in the Warrior’s “Life and Death Bureau.

I learned from the post-match press conference that Durant was injured in achilles tendon this time. For basketball players who rely on explosive force, the damage of Achilles tendon often means a sharp decline and end of their career. Kobe suffered from the rupture of the Achilles tendon. Since then, his efficiency has fallen sharply.

So some people say that the Warriors won a match, but Durant lost the future.

After the game, the general manager of warrior choked and confessed in front of the media. In the dressing room, Durant’s agent said to the media, “Tonight will be a night to change the alliance pattern”.

There is no doubt that as Durant, who also has a one-year personal option contract, this injury will definitely change Durant’s expected plan, become the beginning of a butterfly effect, and lift the pattern of the entire alliance.

Durant is one of the best scorers in the league and an undisputed superstar. He was injured and injured again, which aroused the discussion among the fans: is it really worth fighting with injuries?

You might as well look at the cases in NBA with injuries. For Chinese fans, the most impressive one must be the moment when Yao Ming returned from the playoffs. That was the second round of the NBA Western playoffs in 2009. The Rockets played against the Lakers.

In a breakthrough, Kobe collided with Yao Ming’s knee. Yao Ming, who was huge in size, fell to the ground in pain and got up for a long time. The team doctor of the rocket rushed and helped Yao Ming to go to the dressing room for examination. But when he reached the player channel, Yao Ming suddenly stopped. The rocket’s team doctor was surprised. Yao Ming touched his hands against the wall, moved his knees and turned directly to the stadium. The team doctor of the rocket hurriedly pulled Yao Ming: “Yao, how do you feel? Can you still play?” Yao Ming waved his hand. Yao Ming, who was limping, had already gone to the court before the team doctor recovered.

When Yao Ming walked back to the stadium, the whole Staples gave him warm applause without any hesitation. The Rockets team was inspired and infected, and all the people were soldiers. As a result, Yao Ming, who was injured, led the team to victory.

However, this forced battle aggravated Yao Ming’s injury, and Yao Ming’s already fragile knee could not be completely repaired. In the following games, Yao Ming could no longer reproduce the courage of that year and announced his retirement without playing a few games.

There is no doubt that Yao Ming is a hero, and the players with injuries are heroes. They are devotees who put the interests of the team above their personal interests. However, most of them unfortunately ruined their careers.

In NBA history, there have been Willys kings of Reed, McHale, little Thomas and Yao Ming returning, but Reed jumped on the court and fell off after playing for a few minutes; McHale forced on the court, as a result, the legs are not very sharp until now; Little Thomas was not cured and was sold to the knight by the team. This year, he could not even touch the ball in the Nuggets.

For professional athletes who have been in high-intensity confrontation for a long time, if they come back hastily, it will definitely affect their future career.

In this case, the management of mini truck and Spurs were in a mess in those years, and it became understandable that they were unwilling to return early. At that time, many fans condemned mini truck as a player without sense of honor. But now it seems that this is an extremely wise choice. After nearly a year of complete rehabilitation training, the mini truck who suffered serious injuries killed all parties in the NBA playoffs this year.

Look back to Durant. One of the questions that fans argue endlessly is: Is Durant coming back voluntarily or is it because of the pressure from the top of the club? There is no conclusive news about this matter, but a correct logic should be: it is great for players to voluntarily fight with injuries, which deserves praise. But players also have the obligation to be responsible for their actions and career. If they are not willing to be “heroes”, they should not be demanding. I believe that with today’s level of sports medicine, the club has the ability to make scientific and correct judgments before Durant goes out.

In the Kingdom of sports, everyone should not be required to be a hero.