Chinese Football Association: measures have been taken to strengthen the management of domestic and foreign coaches

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 15 (reporter Xiao Shiyao, Public soldiers) the Chinese Football Association told Xinhua news agency reporters on the 15th that the Football Association has implemented a series of measures at present, it is used to improve the relevant systems and management norms of domestic coaches and foreign coaches in China.

On March 14, a foreign media published a document saying that there are quite a number of “fake” football coaches holding false qualification certificates in China focusing on youth training and amateur football. Among them, there are both Chinese and so-called “foreign coaches” who work in China “.

The Chinese Football Association said that in order to standardize the training management system of Chinese football coaches, in April, 2018, the Chinese Football Association issued relevant documents such as “regulations on coach training management of China Football Association” and “regulations on coach lecturer management of China Football Association. On the basis of linking up with the Asian Football Association training system, China Football Association is responsible for high-end training above Level B, while local member associations are responsible for the ladder connection of basic training at Level D and level C, gradually standardize domestic coach training through the system.

At the same time, the “coach training management system” designed and launched by the Chinese Football Association on the information platform window has been officially launched and put into operation since January 1, 2019, at present, the training related work of Class D coaches is completed on the system. On this basis, the “coach training management system” is continuously upgrading, and strive to complete the training and continuing education and training related work of C and B level coaches in the system by the middle of 2019.

The Chinese Football Association also officially launched the domestic coach coaching license with validity period on January 1, 2019 to regulate the relevant system.

In addition, on the basis of perfecting the relevant system and policies of domestic coaches, the Chinese Football Association issued the Notice on regulating the international coaches grade certificate and coaching license in February 26 this year. On the one hand, it regulates the relevant certificate standards of international coaches, and at the same time, it also opens up the certification channel between international coaches certificate and Chinese Football Association certificate. Strengthen the management of foreign coaches in China through both certificates and licenses.

According to the content of the notice, foreign coaches who come to China to coach must show the intercontinental FIFA (such as Fifa and Uefa) grade certificate issued by the National Association of China and the coaching license within the validity period. Coaches who cannot issue Intercontinental Football Association grade certificates and coaching licenses should hold coach grade certificates of national associations and coaching licenses within the validity period, and provide the certificate issued by the National Association of the country that the intercontinental FIFA certificate cannot be issued.

The Chinese Football Association also reminds all professional clubs, youth training centers, youth training institutions, amateur clubs, etc. First, when hiring coaches, the qualifications should be strictly checked according to the requirements of the Chinese Football Association; Second, the Chinese Football Association and local associations will also strictly check the qualifications of coaches leading the team in competitions at all levels; Third, if they find behaviors with false certificates or insufficient qualifications, they will have punishment measures for individuals and employed units.