Asian Cup Thailand offers a reward of 10 million, Lipi, what do you think

Tomorrow night at ten o’clock, the Asian Cup 1/8 final, the National Football final battle Thailand

Thailand offers a reward of 10 million, Lippi, what do you think

with the last round of the group match yesterday morning, all the matches will be fought, the top 16 of the 2019 Asian Cup also came out. They are: UAE, Thailand and Bahrain in Group A; Jordan and Australia in Group B; South Korea, China and Kyrgyzstan in Group C; Iran, Iraq and Vietnam in Group D; qatar and Saudi Arabia in Group E; Japan, Uzbekistan and Oman in Group F.

At 10:00 p.m. Beijing time tomorrow, the Chinese team will face the Thai team in the 1/8 final. The goal set by the national football team for this Asian Cup was to enter the top eight. Whether the task can be completed depends on the first world war tomorrow night.

Yesterday, the official website of the Asian Football Association launched the selection of the best goal in the group stage, and the second goal scored by Wu Lei against the Philippines was nominated. The outbreak of Wu Lei in that event greatly boosted the morale of the national football team, but then he missed the Sino-Korean War due to his left shoulder injury.

Lippi once said that although Wu Lei could not play against South Korea, he could still play the elimination match. The absence of King Wu has a great influence on the national football team. Whether he can play in the key 1/8 final depends on Wu Lei’s recovery and Lippi’s arrangement.

The expectation of the fans for the return of the King is urgent. Although on June 15, 2013, the national football team lost to the Thai youth army at 1:5 in Hefei, creating the “June 15 tragedy” of Chinese football “. But since Lippi became the coach of the national football team, he has led the team to win Thailand at 2:0. It was Wu Lei who played the game twice.

In addition to Wu Lei, Yu Hanchao also announced to bid farewell to the rest of the Asian Cup due to injury after the Sino-Korean War. In addition, Li Xuepeng, who had quit due to injury during the training, was still in the team but still recovering Wei Shihao and Xiao Zhi. The injury was really not small for the national football team.

What can be a little comforted is that the shortage of major generals also troubled the Thai team. The two main central defenders on the 5th and 15th of the team will miss the match with the national football team because of the accumulated yellow cards.

and the No. 14 midfield player sanlawat dechmitter was injured against Bahrain, thailand has left the UAE and returned to Bangkok for further examination and treatment after being promoted to the top 16.

Thai coach Sirisak is having a headache for the appearance list, while the Thai Football Association has offered a big prize to encourage the team. It is understood that in order to encourage the team to play well with the Chinese team in the 1/8 final and break into the top eight, the Thai Football Association announced that it would directly increase the winning prize by more than 4 times from the current 10 million Thai baht, about 50 million Thai baht, equivalent to 10.6 million RMB.

The Road to the promotion of the Thai team is not smooth. In the first group match, after they lost to India at 1:4, the former head coach Nikica Jelavic was immediately announced by the Thai Football Association that “class was over” and replaced by assistant coach silisak.

Then, in order to let the players play well and save face, the Thai Football Association will award different amounts of winning prizes in each match. It can be seen that the Thai Football Association, which frequently made heavy hammers, asked for this Thai team more than just a top 16.

And for the Chinese team, naturally, it will not only be satisfied with the group qualifying. In the last Asian Cup, after three consecutive wins in the group match of the national football team, unfortunately, I met the host Australia team. The 0:2 lost to the opponent and was eliminated, while the Australian team also won the championship trophy of that year.

This time, the signing of the national football team is still good. Whether it is divided into the same group with Kyrgyzstan, Philippines and South Korea, or the Thai team after the group’s departure, it is already a blessing. If you still stop the first round of the elimination match, you can no longer use the opponent’s luck and luck as an excuse.

For tomorrow night’s game, Thai coach Sirisak said: “This will be a very interesting game.” In fact, what is more interesting is the smell of gunpowder. This is a decisive battle, whether it is the Thai team that broke into the Asian Cup elimination match for the first time in 47 years, or the Chinese team that is looking forward to further progress in the Asian Cup.

Zong Qianqian