2019 karat Mayi China International Camping Conference will open “Wilderness Journey”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14th, 2019 karat Mayi China International Camping Conference will open a cross-country hiking camping competition in Karamay, Xinjiang on the 29th. At present, the conference has started registration.

The conference lasted from the end of June to the “11” Golden Week. It was divided into RV parade, cross-country camping competition with people and cars, camping music festival, Wilderness Hiking Conference, food festival, camping photography contest and other projects.

In the cross-country hiking camping competition of “Walking With Love”, 3 to 5 participants took one car together. During the cross-country camping journey of 200 kilometers, participants can not only experience the “all-road track”, but also experience unforgettable challenges with their companions in more than 2 days.

This conference is hosted by Karamay Municipal People’s Government and co-hosted by the organizing committee of China International Camping Conference and Karamay municipal cultural and sports radio and television and tourism bureau, aiming at promoting the deep integration and development of local “sports + Culture + Tourism, build famous tourism brands.

It is reported that Karamay municipal government has signed a long-term strategic cooperation agreement with Beijing camping Home Sports Culture Co., Ltd., the operator of China International Camping Conference. China International Camping Conference will also introduce sports industry enterprises to Karamay in the global service center of Karamay landing camping House, and hold a series of activities such as camping and Leisure Summit Forum and interaction with China International Camping Conference.

French Open women’s single out in the first round Zhu Linxian see the result of the game

Zhu Lin didn’t pay too much attention to the results of the red soil field, which was not very good at. She said she came to the French Open court with the mentality of exercise.

Xinhua News Agency, Paris, May 28 (reporter Su Bin) Zhu Lin, China’s “Golden Flower”, stopped in the first round of women’s singles on the 28th in the first round of the French Open. Zhu Lin didn’t pay too much attention to the results of the red soil field, which was not very good at. She said she came to the French Open court with the mentality of exercise.

After the game, Zhu Lin said, “French Open is still strange to me, and the venue is not very good at it. This time, I held the mentality of exercising, hoping to play my own level on the spot and not think too much about the results.”

The score rate of Zhu Lin’s first attack is 35 percent age points less than that of Beigu, and the score rate of the second attack is only 25 percent, with 21 unforced mistakes. The two fought for the first time in their careers. It took less than an hour for Beigu, who broke out five degrees, to advance to the second round.

Zhu Lin said that once playing, he felt that Beigu had controlled the whole game. The tactics formulated by the coach and the coach before the game were to control the initiative in his own hands by changing the line, but it was indeed quite similar to the opponent’s way.

“Her ball turns very high and often hits me above the shoulder. I am not very good at this aspect. Sometimes I can play one or two wonderful balls, but then I will probably make four or five consecutive mistakes.” Zhu Lin said helplessly.

In her opinion, she played and trained less in the red clay court this year, and felt that she could not keep up with the opponent’s rhythm on the court. After all, it was very different from the hard ground and she was not used to the change of the opponent’s way.

“I still feel nervous in the atmosphere of the competition, sometimes I don’t think so clearly in training. You only need to pay attention to it during training, and you need to think a lot of things during the competition.” She said.

Zhu Lin once competed in the French Open qualification matches twice in 2015 and 2016. She believes that the real opponent is stronger and needs to devote 120% of energy to face it.

Zhu Lin believes that she needs to improve the success rate and landing point of serve. Sometimes the serve is very fast, but because the landing point is not good, she is always seized by the opponent, and the connection after serve also needs to be faster, and the ability to read the competition.

“When you meet different opponents, it is often the first time to meet them. How to quickly enter the match in the first two games and read the changes of the opponent’s way is more important.” She said.

In February this year, Zhu Lin’s career ranked among the top 100 in the world for the first time. She said that the short-term goal was to return to the top 100 and then enter the beautiful grenadine race.