Japanese swimming talent girl Chi Jiang shihuazi announced that leukemia will be suspended

Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, February 12 (reporter Wang Kejia, Jiang Qiaomei) was regarded as a popular candidate for winning the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020. Japanese swimming genius girl Chi Jiang shihuazi announced on the 12th that she was diagnosed with leukemia, will focus on treatment and suspend events.

Chi Jiang posted the news through social networks on that day. She said that she was still in a chaotic state and could not believe the diagnosis. At present, we will focus on treatment and have to give up participating in the (next) Japan national swimming championships.

She also showed a tenacious and optimistic spirit, saying that this disease can be cured. At present, she needs to recuperate and focus on treatment, strive to appear in front of people with a stronger attitude as soon as possible.

The Japanese Swimming Association held an emergency press conference that afternoon to inform the situation of Chi Jiang. Zheng Zhao, president of the Renaissance club to which Chi Jiang belongs, said JT that Chi Jiang had felt unwell during training in Australia before and was diagnosed with leukemia after returning to the hospital on February 8. However, the illness was found earlier, and Chi Jiang himself is currently in hospital.

JT also said that Chi Jiang would miss the Japanese national swimming championships held on April this year. As for whether he can participate in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, he said that he would announce the return time according to the future treatment conditions.

Sanmu Erlang, the coach of Chi Jiang, said at the press conference that the possibility of Chi Jiang participating in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games was “not zero”. The vice president of the Japanese Swimming Association, Ukio Yoshio said that the lack of Chi Jiang would have a certain impact on the Japanese team’s play in the Olympic swimming relay project.

Chijiang shihuazi, 18 years old, specializes in freestyle and butterfly swimming. He is an ace player in Japanese women’s swimming pool and a popular candidate for winning cards in events related to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. He is highly expected by all walks of life in Japan. She began to practice swimming at the age of 3 and could Master 4 swimming postures at the age of 5. In 2016, 16-year-old Chi Jiang represented Japan in seven projects of Rio Olympic Games. In 2018, Chi Jiang played a brilliant role in the Jakarta Asian Games. He won 6 gold and 2 silver and refreshed a number of conference records. He was rated as the most valuable athlete in the event.