Zhengzhou Wenyuan Primary School held “reading flash” activity to welcome World Reading Day

China News Service Henan Branch, April 22Zhengzhou electricity on the 20th, on the occasion of the 24th “World Reading Day”, the small droplets of Wenyuan Primary School in Jinshui district, Zhengzhou city transformed silent reading into sound language by reading poems, A special “reading flash” activity was held to welcome the “World Reading Day” by practicing “.

Students recited Chinese traditional classic poems collectively
at 3 pm that day, citizens walking within Zijingshan Park were suddenly attracted by the beautiful long tube sound and the playing sound of Xiao Zhong Qin, then the water droplets chanted poems praising the great rivers and mountains of the motherland with a clear and high voice. Their emotional recitation attracted more and more passers-by to stop, the seamless singing “Me and My Motherland” pushed this flash event to a climax, facing the wind red flags billowing in the breeze, the young and innocent children’s voice also made passers-by unable to help join the team of singing the motherland.
Along with the lingering rhyme of music, all the teachers and students gathered and shouted out in unison, “reading for the rejuvenation of China, reading for the Chinese Dream, We are dreamers of the new era, we will use the slogan of reading to light up the Chinese dream” to give you the initiative of reading well and reading good books again.
After the activity, the children, together with teachers and parents, conduct reading sharing activities in class units, and distribute carefully prepared bookmarks to visitors in the park, call on more people to join the ranks of reading.

School teachers and students participate in the “reading flash” activity
Since 2018, the education and sports bureau of Jinshui district has put forward the “three ones” reading project, advocating teachers and students to regard reading as a kind of life attitude, A kind of work responsibility, a kind of spiritual pursuit, actively establish the concept of working reading, reading working, living in reading and reading in life.
Since the “three ones” reading of Wenyuan Primary School in Jinshui district, Zhengzhou city engineering startup, the teachers and students of the whole school have been working hard and moving forward steadily, and actively carry out various reading cultural activities according to the actual situation of the students in the school: build a tangible reading environment such as reading corridor, corridor bookshelf and class book corner; Hold activities full of reading atmosphere such as “61” reading theme carnival and regular book drifting; in order to promote the overall reading of home and school more effectively, the online resource reading platform of reading Passbook, Book fragrance family and “small water drop College” is established, and the online and offline reading forms are combined through big data.

Hundreds of primary school students are reciting carefully
It is understood that this Flash is one of the series of reading activities with the theme of “reading nourishes the soul and the fragrance of books grows with me” in Wenyuan Primary School, at the same time, the school fully seized the opportunity of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and carried out activities such as “one hour of reading books quietly” and “sharing experiences of parent-child reading” to guide students to read red books and watch red movies, recite Red Classics, rooted traditional culture in students’ hearts, and jointly build a scholarly society to realize the Chinese dream.