Wang Frost’s Paris life documentary has been played more than 8 million times in China.

Xinhua News Agency, Paris, May 13, revealed on Paris Saint-German that the series documentary “Wang Frost in Paris”, which recorded the training and daily life of Chinese women’s football player Wang Frost in Paris, attracted great attention after being broadcast by the club’s social media account, the first three documentaries have been played more than 8 million times in China.

Wang Frost joined the Paris Saint Germain women’s football team last year. “Wang Frost in Paris” recorded the daily life of this “Miss Football Asia” in Paris, including not only her pictures on the stadium and training ground, but also some iconic landscapes in Paris, enter the market to taste local food and present Paris, an international metropolis, to the audience from various angles.

This series of documentaries are played on different social platforms in China, such as Weibo, WeChat and TikTok. According to “Greater Paris”, each platform has played more than 8 million videos.

Wang Frost said that she hoped to share her experience in Paris with Chinese fans. She had been paying attention to the messages supported by the fans and would continue to do her best for the national team and the club.

Seater Vassel, Asia Pacific director of Paris Saint Germain club, believes that Wang Frost is a very excellent image ambassador of the club, helping the club expand the fan group in Asia and increasing the participation of the club.

Paris Saint Germain revealed that the number of club social media accounts has increased by 650000 in the past year.