Commentary: 24 years of youth agitation, Chinese professional basketball opens a new voyage

Xinhua news agency reporters Lin deleng, Li Bowen and Ma Di

with Guangdong team winning the ninth championship in young pioneer team history, CBA in 2018-2019 season also came to a successful end. This is the 24th season that CBA has gone through and another unforgettable journey that Chinese professional basketball has passed.

In 24 years, a generation of players grew old and a generation of players grew up. There were too many memorable stories left on the court, filling the memories of the older generation of basketball players, it has inherited the hope of a new generation of basketball players.

24 years have passed, and CBA teams have gradually integrated with their cities, becoming a way for people to cheer up their spirits and a bridge for unity and friendship.

Over the past 24 years, the brand value of CBA has been continuously improved. In the name of basketball, sports, culture and industry blend here to form a high-spirited and upward force, push the league to a new height.

24 years of youth, Chinese professional basketball represented by CBA is opening a new voyage.

Behind the championship, those passions and dreams

after winning the championship, Du Feng, the head coach of Guangdong team, choked. He had been sleeping on sleeping pills since the semi-finals, and the pressure was finally released. Yi Jianlian, who played 4-pin closed, scored an amazing 37 points and 16 rebounds in the last battle of the finals. They gave everything to their dreams.

Runner-up Xinjiang, tough guy captain Ke lanbai, in order not to affect the competition, did half an hour of surgery without anesthetic, and shortened the broken front teeth to only half. Li Gen, who dragged his leg, tried his last strength and hit the ball hard into the opponent’s rim. They also gave everything to their dreams.

CBA24 seasons have made achievements in the nine-Crown dynasty of Guangdong team, the eight-Crown Albert of Bayi team, the four-year triple championship of Beijing team, Shanghai team, Xinjiang team, Sichuan team, behind every champion in Liaoning’s young pioneer team history championship, there is a story of persistence for dreams and Fighting for Faith.

Du Feng said after the game: “All the athletes and coaches are working hard for our common dream of Chinese basketball. This champion does not only belong to me as a coach, it belongs to all coaches and athletes in the front line of China.”

The joy of winning the championship and the tears of regret losing the North are interwoven every season. After losing the finals, he lost the game. The 23-year-old aludu salad Wood had a little red eyes. “When I was still in junior high school, I saw on TV that old players such as Battel and Xu Guoguan missed the championship in succession. Now I also feel this kind of regret and hope this is the last time.”

A great champion must have a great opponent and do his best for his dream. Success is so precious.

My home court, those laughter and tears

the smoke of the smoke cleared, the audience of Hongshan Stadium did not leave, but continued to stay in the venue to watch the Championship award ceremony of the visiting team Guangdong, the Xinjiang fans also gave heartfelt applause to this opponent who just defeated him. This scene made people moved. Xinjiang fans expressed their heartfelt support for their own team with the last home court of the season.

In the past 24 years, although 20 teams have experienced many changes, they have gradually cultivated the fan culture at their own home courts. In Dongguan, the home of the Guangdong team, before the start of the finals, a music carnival came as scheduled, including a music performance area, a food area and a cultural and creative entertainment area, the biggest highlight was the launch of live music performances and the invitation of several local bands to perform on stage.

In all the four games in the finals, the two teams sent T-shirts to cheer for the home team, the yellow color of the home team of Guangdong team and the white color of the home team of Xinjiang team, while making the atmosphere of the stadium more warm, it also enhances the linkage between the fans and the team.

After winning the championship, many LED screens of the exterior walls of landmark buildings in Dongguan City played the slogan of celebration, and the whole city was filled with the joy of winning the championship. In a congratulatory letter to the club, Dongguan municipal Party committee and municipal government said: “Hongyuan has been passed down from generation to generation men’s basketball, pursuing excellence and winning the championship bravely, becoming the first team to win nine championships in CBA history, it fully demonstrates the profound background and strength of Dongguan’s” National Basketball City.”

I still remember that last season, in Shenyang, Liaoning province, the packed Liaoning Provincial Gymnasium witnessed Liaoning’s first CBA championship men’s basketball young pioneer team history. Song Kai, director of Liaoning sports bureau, said at that time, liao basket has become an important carrier to gather Liaoning’s morale and stimulate Liaoning’s energy. Song Kai said that Liaoning men’s basketball constantly launched an impact on the championship. The more difficult it is, the more tenacious it is. The process of struggle proves that Liaoning people can do it in all walks of life. This will certainly inspire the confidence of Liaoning’s revitalization and development.

A detachment, a city, the same water and soil, the same dream, with the continuous cultivation of basketball culture, there will be a deeper integration between the city and the club.

League reform, those achievements and expectations

reform have always been the key words of CBA in recent years. After CBA took over the independent Operation League, the brand value of CBA has been more fully developed, not only has the cumulative number of viewers nationwide hit a record high year after year, but the number of sponsors and operating income are also rising steadily. Many club investors and general managers stressed in interviews that today’s alliance is a community of interests. Zhang Xiong, general manager of CBA competition, said that after the interests are relatively unified, the club may consider more things outside itself than before, and will also consider problems from the perspective of the league. More clubs are more self-disciplined, these follow-down tube were very different before separation.

For the future, CBA company has further goals. During the finals, Yao Ming, the chairman of CBA company, disclosed the “CBA2.0” development plan to the media, which included redesign and upgrading team labels, establishing public welfare platforms, recruiting talents, etc. “If the 2.0 plan can meet our expectations and reach a certain level, I believe it will make the club produce a lot of profitable points. We also hope to cooperate more closely with the club to help the club explore.” Yao Ming said.

In the past three seasons, CBA champions have been different. From Xinjiang to Liaoning and then to Guangdong, the footprints of CBA champions are from the eastern coast to the western border, from the north to the south, in the vast land of China, countless basketball seeds are taking root and sprouting.

Sports carry the dream of national prosperity and national rejuvenation, represent youth, health and vitality, and are related to people’s happiness and the future of the nation. Strong Sports are strong in China, while the national movement is prosperous. In the great historical process of China’s transition from a sports power to a sports power, professional basketball should also make its own contribution.

24-year-old CBA is illuminating a better future with vigorous burning youth.