More than a thousand photographers are ready to grab mirror color · Ring Central Plains Bicycle Open

Yuyi network Zhengzhou, March 26th(Reporter Wu Yang) the reporter learned from Henan Sports Photography Association that the high-profile “Sports color · Ring Central Plains 2019 Bicycle Race” not only attracted many riding hobbies to participate in it, at the same time, the launch of the photography contest will also attract thousands of professional and amateur photographers and nearly 10,000 mobile phone photography enthusiasts to participate in the competition, competing for Fengcai of the cycling events of the big country.

Mobile phone era, competitors and audiences. Guo tingbi photo

According to the introduction, the photography competition of “sports lottery · Ring Central Plains 2019 Bicycle Open” is composed of Henan Cycling Association, Henan Sports Journalists Association, henan Sports Photography Association and sports lottery · Central Plains Bicycle Open organizing committee jointly held, Henan sports news network specifically undertaken. It is estimated that thousands of professional and amateur photographers and tens of thousands of mobile phone photographers will participate in the photography competition.

Who is the unforgettable Sprint. Photo by Wang Zhigang

“Making the moment eternal and the event a business card is the main purpose of our inlay photography contest in the ‘sports color · Ring Central Plains bicycle public competition'”, deputy director of the propaganda and education department of Henan Sports Bureau, li Hui, a member of the organizing committee of the photography contest, said that we expect that more people will participate in the cycling events around Central Plains through the photography contest. At the same time, when recording the wonderful cycling events, to enhance the depth and breadth of the cycling events around the central Plains and the spread of the host cities and host cities, and to make the public cycling events around the central plains become eternal instantly, let the wonderful moment of the event become the business card of the city where the event is hosted, let more people appreciate the spirit of the bicycle sports key, and let the bicycle green travel become the fashion of the times.

Professional photographers occupy favorable terrain. Photo by Wang Fangping

“Ms. Zhao of Henan Sports Photography Association told the reporter that the total bonus of this photography competition will reach more than 50000 yuan, which is similar to the competition with a higher prize amount.

“The award amount also represents our respect for intellectual property rights and photography art and photography artists to some extent.” Ms. Zhao said. (Finished)