Ring Central Plains 2019 bicycle race Luoning station perfect ending

The opening ceremony. Photo taken by Deng Xiaoqiang

The National Experience group. Photo taken by Deng Xiaoqiang

The picture shows the game site. Photo taken by Deng Xiaoqiang

The picture shows the game site. Photo taken by Deng Xiaoqiang

The picture shows the game site. Photo taken by Deng Xiaoqiang

The picture shows the game site. Photo taken by Deng Xiaoqiang

The picture shows the game site. Photo taken by Deng Xiaoqiang

The picture shows the game site. Photo taken by Deng Xiaoqiang

The picture shows the game site. Photo taken by Deng Xiaoqiang

The picture shows the game site. Photo taken by Deng Xiaoqiang

  Yuyi network Luoyang, April 28th(Reporter Deng Xiaoqiang Yang Xu) “landscape and countryside, beautiful Luoning. Healthy and casual, ‘Riding ‘is endless.” On the 28th, the sports lottery, known as “racing in the sea of flowers”, the five-ring Sports Cup 2019 Central Plains bicycle open Luoning station ended perfectly. According to reports, this competition attracted 12 countries including the United States, Russia, South Korea, Indonesia, Dongpo village, Mongolia and 16 provinces, municipalities directly under the central government, including Shanxi, Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan, 432 players from the autonomous region and administrative region gathered in Luoning. They passed through a 5-kilometer-long locust flower promenade in Qiongshan Mountain, Xiaojie township of the county, and completed all the events after enjoying the beautiful scenery of flowers. Tens of thousands of spectators watched the competition passionately along the way.

After the opening ceremony on the morning of April 27, more than 1,500 cycling enthusiasts from all over Luoning participated in the 5km competition of the national experience Group. What followed was the men’s team of the road elite competition. With the sound of a starting gun, the race riders, such as the arrow of the string, drove into the track go by like the wind, and the cheers and shouts on both sides came one after another…… Riders started a competition of speed and passion in the beautiful scenery of Luoning, enjoying the endless fun brought by sports events.

After two days of fierce competition, Muzychkin Anton from the male naimead-panda team won the men’s 80km elite team championship with a score of 1:54:49.684, Wang Jianhua, Xinxiang cavalry camp Club, naimead-panda team player Baasankhuu Myagarsuren. He Chong, an individual contestant, picked up mountain bike boys a grade and Group B respectively, and the women’s team won the crown. The men’s group of Luoyang local mountain bike race and the women’s group of Luoyang local mountain bike race were also won the championship by Zhang Zhun and Li Jinpan respectively.

The main stadium is selected in Yuli Mountain, Xiaojie township, Luoning County. The mountain is the main peak in the eastern part of the mountain in western Henan province. The pine forest is hidden, the winding path is quiet, beautiful flowers, the grass grows and flies, and the sophorae flowers planted along the road form the “ten li sophorae promenade”, refreshing, it not only creates a picturesque competition environment for riders, but also is a good place for tourists to visit.

The event was hosted by Henan Provincial Sports Bureau, Henan Provincial Sports Federation, Youth Work Committee of the Party Central Committee of China Zhi Gong Publishing, Henan Provincial Committee of Zhigong Party, Henan Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Luoyang Municipal People’s Government, and undertaken by Luoning County People’s Government. The competition project includes 80 kilometers of men’s group in road elite race, 30 kilometers of mountain bike race boys a grade, 30 kilometers of men’s Group B in mountain bike race, 15 kilometers of women’s group in mountain bike race, and 15 kilometers of men’s group in Luoyang local mountain bike race, luoyang local mountain bike race women group 15 kilometers.

It is understood that the central plains Cycling Open has been held for 5 consecutive years since 2015. At present, it has become a national fitness brand competition covering the whole province, throughout the whole year and involving all the people. The men’s and women’s Group A and Group B of mountain bike race provide a platform for riders from all over the country to meet their friends. The men’s group of road elite race is the most competitive project among domestic and foreign cyclists, which can fully demonstrate the charm of cycling. This year’s Open has 16 stations in total, and Luoning station participated as the sixth station of this competition.

In recent years, Luoning County has insisted on taking tourism industry as the strategic leading industry to build “strength Luoning” and focusing on the overall positioning of “Landscape and countryside, beautiful Luoning, taking the construction of” one corridor and five districts “as a breakthrough to develop global tourism, we not only pay attention to the event itself, but more importantly, we can perfectly integrate green riding with 100 cities to improve quality and efficiency, and fight poverty, to create a beautiful, beautiful and happy city with beauty, heritage, order, security, temperature and spirit, and has formed a 4A level scenic spot of shenlingzhai, tourist attractions such as Luoyang Sancai International Pottery Village and Qiongshan sports and leisure area have achieved comprehensive rural revitalization in the whole region. (Finished)

Li Ying: calm down a little bit, I can score goals

Xinhua News Agency, Montpellier, France, June 25 (Reporter Liu Wei, Yue Dongxing, Yue Ran Ran) Chinese team lost to Italy in the 2016 Women’s World Cup on the 25th. Striker Li Ying said after the game, I am impatient or hesitant in the choice of taking the ball and shooting. If I calm down, I can score goals. I feel very sorry and reluctant to end this World Cup trip.

When Li Ying was interviewed in the mixed mining area after the game, he thought there were problems with his shooting and taking the ball in the game that day. “We lost the goal too early in the first half, and we were a little impatient later. Maybe we wanted to score too much. We should stabilize our mentality and control it better. We will not lose our rivals in terms of our ability to create opportunities. Sometimes I hesitate to take the ball. It may be better if I choose to shoot. If you calm down, you may score goals. But this is football, and I can’t go back when it happens.”

“I didn’t go further. I am very sad. These days are so fast that I don’t want to give up. I especially want to play one more game, one more game, and one more minute.” Li Ying said, “Tell yourself from the beginning, don’t leave regrets for yourself, but unfortunately, it still ends with regrets.”

The Chinese team almost completely suppressed the opponent in the technical statistics of the whole game on that day, reaching 51% in possession percentage. The number of shots, the number of shots, the accuracy of passing, and the number of corner were all better than the opponent, only the goal is backward. After the game, many players bowed their heads with tears and hurried across the mixed mining area. They were unwilling to say more.

“Today we wasted too many opportunities in attack. Although we suppressed our opponents, we did not grasp the opportunities we created, and I did not find the rhythm and feeling that the striker should have. We can see the gap between ourselves and the strong European teams. Italy has many excellent places worth learning. But if we say how strong they are, I don’t think so either. Our problem is that we don’t do ourselves well. We really have a chance to win this game.”

When talking about the gains from the four matches of the Chinese team in this World Cup, Li Ying said: “Everyone works hard and hopes to play better, score goals and win goals, but we have some shortcomings, through this World Cup, I believe we will grow a lot. Each of the four games has its own highlights. In the case of Spain, we may have a worse attack, but we have done a good defense. We also created a lot of opportunities to defend against Germany. Every game has something to be sure.”

As for the future, Li Ying’s determination to persist is unshakable. “There will be the Olympic Games and the next World Cup. Now I am more mature than four years ago. Thanks to Jia’s guidance for giving me the opportunity and trust, enhancing my self-confidence, and for the help he and his teammates gave me, technical and tactical guidance and spiritual support. This is a very valuable thing. Without mental strength, there will be no good performance. I will stick to it until I can’t run, or the day when the team doesn’t need me.”