Wang Dengfeng: campus football has achievements but is still in the “children’s season”

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, February 19 (Reporter Tan Chang) Wang Dengfeng, director of the National School foot office and director of the Department of Sports and Arts of the Ministry of Education, said in Changsha on the 19th that in the past four years, the development of campus football has achieved visible results, however, it is still in the “children’s season”. We must adhere to the “Church, diligence and regular competition” mode and implement the top-level design.

Wang Dengfeng made the above statement at the annual meeting of the football branch of China Middle School Sports Association in 2018.

At the end of 2014, the Ministry of Education officially led the National Youth campus football work. Wang Dengfeng said that the achievements of campus football in the past four years are mainly reflected in three aspects. One is to explore an effective path for the reform and development of school physical education, and the other is to further improve the guarantee system, the third is to improve the evaluation system. Through the practice of campus football, three things that school sports should do are explored-Church, diligent practice and regular competition, which represents the development direction of Chinese school sports.

Wang Dengfeng said: “In the past four years, we have identified more than 800 people in the national best lineup in 11 groups. More than 100 people have entered domestic professional clubs and more than 30 people have entered foreign professional clubs. Campus Football has begun to continuously deliver excellent reserve talents for professional football.”

When talking about the next development of campus football, Wang Dengfeng said that on the one hand, we should firmly promote the implementation of top-level design, on the other hand, we should standardize our work and insist on acting according to the rules. “The foundation of campus football development is still very weak. In the process of expanding the scale and improving the level, the rules are particularly important.” Wang Dengfeng said.

In the past four years, 24126 national youth campus football characteristic schools have been selected and established nationwide. Wang Dengfeng introduced that the relevant departments will investigate thoroughly this year, and all campus football characteristic schools that cannot adhere to the weekly football class and relevant requirements will be delisted.

“We should not be eager for quick success and instant benefits. We should have strategic determination, perseverance and confidence, and unswervingly do a solid job in campus football, so as to achieve ‘Church, diligent practice and regular play’ and play cards according to the rules, acting according to the rules, the development of our campus football and even Chinese football will certainly be better.” Wang Dengfeng said.

At the annual meeting, representatives of Changsha Lushan International Experimental School, Zhengzhou No. 2 Middle School and Shenzhen Cui Yuan Middle School made Experience Exchange speeches.