The 2019 World Table Tennis Championships in Budapest started on the 21st, and Malone staged fancy table tennis.

Xinhuanet sports BEIJING, April 20 (Zhang Anqi) on April 21-28, the 2019 World Table Tennis Championships single event will be held in Budapest, Hungary. TATA wooden door, as the official sponsor of the World Table Tennis Championships, recently joined hands with TATA Star user and world champion Malone to launch a fancy Table Tennis Challenge to help Chinese table tennis players.

From Ding Ning, Liu Guoliang to Malone, TATA wooden doors arouse people’s attention to the World Table Tennis Championships through fancy table tennis challenges and stimulate people’s love for table tennis.

In 2017, TATA wooden door sponsored the World Table Tennis Championships for the first time. In 2018, TATA wooden door once again joined hands with the International Table Tennis Federation to sign the World Table Tennis Championships, becoming the official sponsor of the 2018 World Table Tennis Championships and obtaining the official sponsorship right of the World Table Tennis Championships for three consecutive years from 2018 to 2020. For international competitions, the criteria for selecting sponsors are extremely strict, and the ones that meet the standards are basically leading brands in the industry. It is understood that as Chinese manufacturing has received more and more attention in recent years, Huawei, Unicom, RED DOUBLE HAPPINESS and TATA wooden doors have successively stepped onto the stage of international competitions.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of TATA wooden doors and the third consecutive year of sponsoring the World Table Tennis Championships. The head of TATA wooden door Enterprise said that it was based on the value of the great influence of table tennis in China that he chose to become the official sponsor of the World Table Tennis Championships, focusing on sports marketing cards, and brand landing communication could achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Hungary, the host of the 2019 World Table Tennis Championships, has a time difference of nearly 7 hours from China. Chinese audiences watch the games late at night. Many fans watching the game will affect the rest of their families, the TATA wooden door, which has been focusing on mute as the highlight of the product, will better convey to Chinese audiences by sponsoring the World Table Tennis Championships “The competition is wonderful, but care about health, don’t affect the concept of family sleep.

CBA Shenzhen won the eighth-strong battle of the two teams in Beijing again. 2:2

Yangzi Evening News (Reporter Zhang Chenqi) on April 1st, in the fourth round of the series of Shenzhen and Beijing Shougang in the 1/4 finals of the 2018-2019 CBA playoffs, Shenzhen team played 94:83 beat Shougang team and won two consecutive wins away, bringing the total score of both sides to 2:2.

In this game, the field goal percentage of Shougang team was called “horrible”. Their three-point goal was only 4 in 32 shots, and they were almost dumb outside. On the other hand, the Shenzhen team played a high level in the case of The Last Battle. Inner and outer line of them played very well, especially 13 three-point shots. Only this one scored 27 points more than Shougang. The difference between the two teams in the first half was not big, but the Shenzhen team led the team to reach 20 points in the third quarter. Although Shougang caught up, it was hard to catch up with only 7 points, the Shenzhen team pulled the score difference to 20 points again in the fourth quarter, and Shougang team finally couldn’t afford to return to the sky.

After winning this game, the Shenzhen team will return to the home court with two consecutive wins in the 5-win and 3-win system. Both teams played the game on the road. At present, the battle is 2:2 Ping, which can be said to be quite close. If the Shenzhen team can win and advance in the fifth game, then they will become the first team in CBA history that can turn the game after 0:2. In the other three series, Guangdong and Liaoning have all advanced to the top 4, and Xinjiang leads Guangsha 2:1.