Snooker China: Ding Junhui’s “sleepwalking” stops the first round

Snooker China: Ding Junhui’s “sleepwalking” stops. The first round hopes that Chinese players will have better results.

China News Agency, Beijing, April 3 (reporter Wang Zumin) the battle for the 2019 World Snooker China Open was just on fire, but Ding Junhui, China’s “first brother”, had already regretted to stop. He was out in the first round of the competition on the evening of the 2nd, I hope other Chinese players can have better results.

Ding Junhui’s opponent in this battle is Watana, who is 49 years old and “old”. The Thai “Old King” is now ranked out of 110 in the world. In the delayed qualifying match of the Snooker World Open in last August, Ding Junhui defeated Watana to advance to the final match.

Now I meet my old opponent again, but Ding Junhui feels cold and has been in a downwind. Finally, he was told by the 3:6 explosion.

After the game, Ding Junhui defined his status as “sleepwalking”. He said: “Maybe I am too familiar with him (Watana) to feel. Today’s game should also be the best one he played in many matches with me.”

Although the China Open, which has high bonuses and is the last ranking of the world championships, has attracted many top masters, Ding Junhui is still the one who is most concerned and expected. In addition to his identity as a “local star”, it is also because snooker China Open plays an extremely important role in his career.

In 2005, he won the first ranking champion of his career in the competition held in Beijing for the first time, completed his 18-year-old adult ceremony and built a bridge to his career peak; in 2014, he once again reached the top, winning the fifth championship in the ranking competition of the current season and equalizing the number of champions in the single-season ranking competition set in Handry, and at the end of that year, he became the first Asian player ranked first in the snooker world.

Once again, Ding Junhui was full of confidence when he returned to the events that had brought him many honors. He said before the game that “I hope that I can break through history and achieve new success”. Although the number of his entries has decreased significantly since he was promoted to dad in last August, so that the season points are not enough, he thinks that this competition is also a good opportunity for him to adjust his status and get points.

April 1st is the lever day of this competition and Ding Junhui’s birthday. In the postponed qualifier, he faced Chinese teenager Zhang health and gave himself a generous gift with a 6:1 victory and a single shot of 139 points, it also further deepened the expectations of the fans for his “re-success. However, it was unexpected that the next game was so “changeable” that many fans could hardly digest the “roller coaster” experience.

“The elimination match is so cruel. If you don’t play well, you can only blame yourself for not doing what you should do on the court.” Ding Junhui was very upset.

Although it has been out, the wayward and emotional young boy had the style of a mature man. After praising his opponent, Ding Junhui also gave his blessing to Chinese players such as Liang Wenbo, Lv Haotian and Lu Ning who still want to continue the battle. He said: “Their competitive status and football skills are good, and I am very confident that Chinese players can achieve good results in this field!” (Finished)