American League Basketball Western semi-final excavation kingshare trailblazers Total Score 2:2 draw

With this dangerous victory, Nuggets took back the home advantage and the fifth battle will return to Denver.

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, May 5 (reporter Wang Jiyi) the series between Denver Nuggets and Portland Trail Blazers in the Western semi-final of the US league played the fourth game on the 5th. As a result, the Nuggets resisted the counterattack at the last moment of the home team, winning 116:112, equalizing the total score to 2:2.

In the third battle, the two teams once fought four plus hours before winning and losing. In the fourth battle, the two teams also killed to the last moment and almost entered overtime. However, the Nuggets resisted the pressure to deal with their opponents. The home team used foul strategy several times to buy time. However, the Nuggets defender Murray made the Nuggets laugh to the end with a stable penalty basket. This is also the first time that the Blazers have lost at home in the playoffs this season.

Murray gained 34 points in this game, of which 11 were all punished, becoming the number one scorer of nuggets. Center yokki scored 21 points, 12 rebounds and 11 assists, and played very well, which is the fourth “three double” data of yokki in the playoffs this season. Forward Milsap contributed 21 points and 10 rebounds.

This contest is still a counterattack, with the Blazers leading 63:57 in the first half. However, the third quarter of the Nuggets set off a frenzy of scoring, hitting a 27:14 opponent in a single quarter, and surpassing the score. Section 4 the competition between the two sides tends to be white-hot. The pioneers are pressing step by step, clinging to the score, digging gold to deal with it tenaciously, and finally holding the victory.

The blazers of this battle scored 29 points and 28 points respectively in the back Suncha mccolum and litard.

The first two games of this series were played in Denver. The Nuggets won and lost, and then the third and fourth games were played in Portland. The Blazers also won and lost. With this dangerous victory, Nuggets took back the home advantage and the fifth battle will return to Denver.