Zheng Yuyin involved in the referee from the Moroccan Chinese team call for an apology

Xinhua News Agency, Manchester, May 19 (Reporter Prince Jiang) the reporter learned from many channels on the 19th that the referee who made an unfair judgment against Zheng Yuyin at the taekwondo world championship on the 17th came from Morocco, after that match, he returned home in advance. The Chinese team has already imposed unfair penalties to appeal to the World Taekwondo Federation and hopes to get an apology from the referee.

It is understood that the Moroccan referee, whose name is Tariq benlardi, has participated in law enforcement in many world competitions. He was elected the best referee of the year in the World Taekwondo Federation in 2015, and was named one of the five best referees by the World Federation of champions in the 2017 World Championships.

According to an insider who did not want to be named, after the match on the 17th, everyone never saw him again, and later they knew that he had left the world championship ahead of time.

Xinhua News Agency reporter tried to get in touch with Ben Lardy through his social media account, and privately wrote him to express his interview request, but until the time of publication, Ben Lardy never replied.

His only information about the world championships on his personal account was released the day before the start of the tournament, and it was a personal photo in the center of the stadium and a group photo with other coaches during training.

Guan Jianmin, head coach of the Chinese team and chairman of the Chinese Taekwondo Association, told the reporter that the Chinese team had already made a complaint to the World Taekwondo Federation unfairly. There are two requirements for the appeal: The first is to ask for a revision; The second, the referee was requested to be banned for life.

Guan Jianmin said that the requirement to ban Ben Lardi for life was mainly because his problem was not “mistake”, “he overturned the whole fair competition environment”.

Guan Jianmin also said, “his behavior is very bad, which is unfair to the whole taekwondo project, not just to Chinese athletes.” He said: “This game has nothing to do with winning or losing. The key is that he overturned the referee rules. This is the biggest problem.”

“I hope the World Federation can give us a fair answer.” He said.

Guan Jianmin said that it didn’t take too long to finish the appeal procedure, but the result would definitely come out after the World Championship.

He also said: “Of course, we also hope that he can apologize to us. Apology is a psychological comfort to us. But the game is over. Winning or losing is not important to us. What matters is that we have to make a sound. The game must be fair, fair and open.