Asian crown: tariska Jiangong Guangzhou Evergrande 4:0 victory over Melbourne

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, April 10th, a match of Group F in the third round of the Asian crown group match was held in Guangzhou on the 10th. Guangzhou Evergrande won Melbourne’s victory at 4:0, and tariska scored two goals alone. Evergrande won a big victory at home and gave it to his opponent three in a row.

Only 6 minutes after the opening, Lin Lin delivered the ball to the front door in the front court. Taliska seized the opportunity and pushed the ball into the scuffle in front of the door. Evergrande led by 1:0.

Three minutes later, Evergrande made a comeback. Under the control of tariska, Evergrande transferred two large-scale long passes. When the ball returned to tariska’s feet again, he slightly adjusted and shot outside the big forbidden zone, easily rewrite the score to 2:0.

Melbourne, which was two goals behind, strengthened its defense on the flank, and Evergrande’s attack was more patient. In the 41th minute, Evergrande seized the opportunity to fight back quickly. Yang Liyu took over Paulino and shot after passing the ball, helping Evergrande expand its advantage to 3:0.

In the 71st minute, tariska took a free kick in the front court. His shot was blocked by the goalkeeper. Lin Lin quickly inserted a supplementary shot. The ball rebounded on the Melbourne Victory player and rolled into goal. With this oolong ball, Evergrande completely killed the game.

After the game, coach Cannavaro of Evergrande was very satisfied with the performance of young General Yang Liyu in this game. He said that after winning this key victory, he would put aside the Asian Championship and devote his energy to the next league.

Comment: Fitness is popular, don’t forget it

Fitness fire, safety don’t forget (Sports Arena Guanlan)

It is good to actively participate in fitness, but we must pay attention to safety. No matter what kind of sports you are engaged in, only safe and moderate can you achieve the goal of exercise.

There is a college near my home. I often go to the playground there for a walk after dinner. Sometimes, I can’t help running when I just walk to the playground. Why? Because there are so many people exercising, there are people running or walking on each track, and even the leg pressing equipment in the corner of the playground is occupied by warm-up people. Seeing such a scene, it is easy to be infected.

The school opens the fitness field to the society, which makes it convenient for the nearby residents. However, if everyone comes to the playground for exercise, will it occupy the students’ exercise space? Don’t worry, there is another playground of the same scale not far away. You need to brush the school card to enter, which fully guarantees the students’ sports needs. I believe that students who like “House” will be inspired as much as I am driven by the warm exercise atmosphere. They will walk out of the dormitory, come to the playground and join the fitness team.

This season, people who exercise can be seen everywhere in the city. In fitness venues, “lifting iron” and swimming become popular; In the open space of the community, two people can play a game when they pick up badminton racket. The purpose of everyone’s exercise may be different: the ridicule of “don’t lose weight in May, June is sad” makes beauty lovers take off their legs; Strengthening physical fitness and promoting health have become the original intention of many people’s exercise; others regard fitness as a way to relax body and mind and relieve pressure. No matter which target you aim at, as long as you move, you can gain something.

There are more people taking part in the exercise, which will bring the atmosphere of hot peripheral sports, but it also brings some problems that need attention. For example, if the temperature is relatively high during the day, outdoor sports should be moderate, otherwise heat stroke is easy. Most people like to exercise on a relatively cool night. After dinner, they go for two laps, playing ball games, dancing and kicking shuttlecock. However, the light at night is dim and safety issues must be paid attention, especially in places where vehicles enter and leave frequently, more care is needed.

On the playground, there are people who like to run fast, and there are people who like to jog. When there are more people, people at different speeds tend to interfere with each other. Therefore, no matter how much you put into exercise, you should also be observant and alert to avoid collision with others.

The weather is hot and swimming is very popular. Last summer, I saw a friend showing a picture of himself swimming in the river. Although he was very good at swimming, he still couldn’t help reminding: the safety factor of wild swimming is low, and in line with the principle of being responsible for his own life, I ‘d better enjoy myself in the swimming pool. After all, no matter what kind of sports you are engaged in, only safe and moderate can you achieve the goal of exercise.

Tang Tianyi

Tang Tianyi