Henan gas Volleyball League kicked off in Zhengzhou on June 7, 2019

Press conference site. Lei Nai beneficial photo

Press conference site. Lei Nai beneficial photo

Press conference site. Lei Nai beneficial photo

Press conference site. Lei Nai beneficial photo

Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, May 22 (Deng Xiaoqiang) on the morning of the 22nd, the press conference of Henan gas volleyball league in 2019 was held ceremoniously in Dahe Jinjiang Hotel. Zhao Jun, director of Mass Sports Department of Henan Sports Bureau, Li Zhiyang, director of Henan Sports Management Center, Xie Guochen, deputy director of Henan Sports Management Center, and the person in charge of the co-organizer of this League attended the conference.

Hosted by Henan Sports Bureau, hosted by Henan Sports Center and co-organized by World Airlines Sports Culture Company, the first stop of Henan gas volleyball league in 2019 will be held in Dengfeng on June 7, 2019.

In 2019, Henan gas volleyball league set men’s group and women’s group, and set the age as men’s and women’s group (35-65 years old): from January 1, 1984 to December 31, 1954. (Only 2 people are allowed to play in each game between 35 and 45 years old) this is the third year of Henan to hold the gas volleyball league. Balloon volleyball enthusiasts who meet Henan identity card, age and health can participate in the competition.

The league is divided into three stages :

the first stage qualifier: it is planned to be held in Dengfeng on June 7-9. The men’s and women’s teams in the first stage take the top six respectively to participate in the finals in Zhengzhou.

The second stage qualifier: it is planned to be held in Kaifeng Gymnasium on September 6-8. Teams who have not finished in the first stage and newly registered teams can participate in the competition on this site. Men will be taken in the second stop, the top six women’s teams participated in the finals of the third station in Zhengzhou.

The final of the third stage: it is planned to be held in Zhengzhou on October 1-4, with the top six men and women in the first stage and the second stage participating in the competition, male, A total of 24 women’s teams decided their respective champion and Asian third place. In 2019, Henan gas volleyball league is expected to have nearly 100 teams.

In recent years, mass sports work in Henan province has driven and led the development of national fitness activities by vigorously creating brand competitions. Since the first successful holding of the first Henan gas volleyball league in 2017, this event has gradually become one of the mass sports brand events in our province. After being included in the mass group project of the 13th National Games in balloon volleyball, the balloon volleyball movement in Henan province has received unprecedented attention, which has aroused the wave of all people participating in balloon volleyball activities. With the successful holding of the first balloon volleyball league in Henan province in 2017, it has been warmly pursued by the masses. All kinds of balloon volleyball clubs and balloon volleyball competitions have sprung up in the whole province. Through the balloon volleyball league, balloon volleyball fans from the whole province have gathered together to communicate and learn and improve together. The provincial sports bureau strives to gradually create a nationwide fitness sports boutique event covering the whole province, throughout the whole year and with the participation of the whole people through the overall packaging and publicity of the event. Balloon Volleyball Sport is a mass sport integrating sports, leisure and entertainment. Compared with traditional volleyball, balloon volleyball ball is softer, elastic, comfortable and not easy to hurt people; the sphere is larger, drifting slowly in the air, easy to control; Ball Net lower, less jumping when playing ball, safe sports; Smaller venue, indoor and outdoor activities can be carried out; Wide rules, any part of the human body can touch the ball; The amount of exercise is appropriate, fully mobilize the brain, eyes, hands, waist, feet, It is conducive to physical fitness; The collectivity is very strong, and the coordination and cooperation among the team members is conducive to the spirit of the United and striving Chinese women’s volleyball team to carry forward.

This year, on the basis of the successful holding in the past two years, the organizing committee of the event expanded the scale of the event, relaxed the conditions for participating in the event, increased the participating groups, improved the rules of the event, and promoted the plus-sized, it has laid a solid foundation for improving the influence, appeal and lasting development of the event. This year, more balloon volleyball fans will participate in the event.

This competition is not only a demonstration and publicity of the development and progress of the balloon volleyball project, but also promotes the learning and communication of each participating team. It is also a rare opportunity to promote the development of the sports industry, it is a concrete manifestation of leading the masses to establish the life concept of my participation, my health and my happiness, and promoting the popularization, serialization and branding of competition activities. The holding of this competition will be of positive significance to further enrich mass sports events, promote the development of mass sports activities and national fitness sports in our province, and create a good atmosphere of opening to the outside world.

Competition Release Channels, registration and registration fees competition regulations are released through the Internet one month before the competition. The Release Media mainly love sports and vigorously promote Henan Sports. For event registration, see competition rules. No registration fee is charged for this competition.

In the future, Henan gas volleyball league will strive to cover the whole province, fully display Henan’s image in the gas volleyball league with the participation of the whole people, actively spread Henan traditional culture, improve the quality of Henan Sports population, make positive contributions to “brilliant Henan.

Chinese shooting team completed the assembly and opened a new stage preparation for Olympic Games

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 3 (reporter Lin Deren) the Chinese shooting team organized a flag-raising ceremony at the Olympic fifth ring square of the shooting and archery management center of the State General Administration of Sports on the 3rd, officially opening a new stage of preparing for the Olympic Games.

The Chinese shooting team held winter training in Putian, Fujian province in the past winter. After the winter training, the team members represented their local teams in the National Shooting Championship. After the Championship, all the players have reported to the national team on the 2nd. On the morning of the 3rd, the shooting team members dressed in uniform costumes held the ceremony of raising the national flag and playing the national anthem in the Wuhuan square. After the ceremony, the award ceremony of the essay competition “The motherland is in my heart, my Olympic dream” was also held.

It is reported that the Chinese shooting team has gathered 76 players in this stage of training, the goal is the upcoming launch of the international fire union Shooting World Cup Beijing station in late April and Munich station in late May. Through the two seats that have ended, the Chinese shooting team won a total of 14 seats in the Tokyo Olympic Games in rifle and pistol events, with 20 full seats in each country (region).

Liang Chun, director of the shooting sports center, introduced that the flag raising ceremony and essay competition are both important parts of the shooting sports center’s ideological and cultural education and patriotism education for athletes. “Athletes can stand on the highest podium. Apart from the technical, tactical, psychological and physical levels, ideological and cultural aspects are also very important. Only when they stand high can they see far away. Only by understanding the responsibilities they shoulder as a national team, only in this way can we better go further on the road of sports.” Liang Chun said.

Shooting World Cup Beijing station will be held in shooting Center Shooting Hall from April 21-29.